you belong with me

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summary: based off of taylor's version of you belong with me, loosely follows the music video.

long time no see, so i hope you guys like it!
+i dont hate sharon, i just needed to use her as a filler character.

word count: 1.7k

prns: she/her

. . .

to say you hated natasha's girlfriend was an understatement. you resented her, wished she would fall off the face of the earth and never come back. but you held it together for the sake of her wellbeing. if the snobby cheerleader made her happy, then so be it.

you were playing with natasha's hair while she sat in your lap reading aloud when she a phone call. she sighed, already knowing it was her girlfriend.

"sorry, gotta take this." you nodded, though you couldn't help but feel a tinge of hurt when she chose to answer the call.

it wasn't even a moment later when you heard her voice beginning to crack. your ears perked up at the sound.

"sharon come on, you know its not like that. we're just hanging out. that's what friends do."

you bit your lip, no longer wanting to be there anymore, and moved to pack up the blanket and picnic basket when she grabbed your arm. you paused to turn around to look at her.

she covered the speaker end of her phone and whispered to you, telling you to stop packing everything up. when you shook your head she frowned. she was tied between her girlfriend and the girl who had her questioning everything.

sharon's scream through the phone snapped natasha out of her daze and you had already left her line of sight.

the next day natasha caught your eyes as her girlfriend pushed her through the hallways. you glanced away the second sharon sent a glare in your direction. pulling your drum sticks out of your locker, you slammed the door shut and made your way to class.

already knowing you would never be able to love natasha the way you wanted to was a tough pill to swallow. sharon constantly finding a way to make sure you saw her making out with natasha didn't help.

the blonde had known about your little crush on natasha for a while now. she found out by "accidentally" eavesdropping in on your conversation with your other friend. sharon's competitive smirk never left your mind the day she threatened to out you.

so you obviously backed away from nat, but not enough for her to notice.

well, until now anyway.

you successfully avoided the redhead for three days before she was able to shove you in the bathroom, blocking the door so you couldn't find your way out.

she stood with her arms crossed and a glare settled nicely on her face.

"why are you avoiding me?"

you sighed, "i'm not avoiding you." natasha raised raised her eyebrow, "so why haven't you answered any of my texts or calls the past few days?"

you shrugged. "phone died."

"oh, yeah, i'm sure it did." she scoffed. your excuse was pathetic and you both knew it.

you didn't say anything after that. honestly you didn't even know what to say to her. it's not like you could confess your undying love for her and have everything be completely normal.

natasha moved to cup your face, forcing your eyes to meet hers. a shiver scrambled its way down your spine.

"will i see you at our usual spot?"

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