middle ground

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note: i'm working on requests i promise. it's just been a little hard lately, my mental health has been so so bad #lolz

warnings: none other than the fact that this isn't proofread </3

request: Hi! May I please request a Nat fic where r is lowkey touch averse. Nat sees they sometimes tense up when touched and asks about it and reader kinda off handedly explains that she's mostly fine with touch (etc hugs, cuddles, holding hands) but sometimes she just doesn't wanna be touched and whereas some find a hand on the back touches comforting then they dislike them and overall the not necessarily touches that are sometimes given when ppl pass. And Natasha actually listens and pulls back after that conversation and reader is like ??? because in the past family/partners have not respected the boundaries bc "cmon it's how I show love", and thinks mby Natasha is mad now, but Nat is very considerate and r is just relieved and thankful.. Idk if any of it makes sense, by now I'm just venting tbh. If you're not comfortable or don't have time/energy to write it then it's totally cool!! Thank you for your fics anyway, they all always make me feel better. Hope you're doing good!

. . .

it always started out the same with everyone, well, almost everyone. you'd befriend them, you'd get comfortable with each other, then they'd do small things like rest their hand on your shoulder or give a friendly pat on your leg.

you tried not to let it bother you, but sometimes it just became too much.

you'd already had to deal with wanda's need for affection earlier in the day and now natasha was sitting next to you, her arm slung on your shoulder. it was hard not to tense up every little move she made, and you hoped natasha wouldn't notice, but it was inevitable that she would.

"you alright?" she questioned, head tilting with her eyebrows furrowed.

you sighed. "i don't want to seem rude or anything, but i'm just not necessarily in the mood to be touched right now. would you mind moving your arm?"

"that's okay," she whispered before adjusting herself. both her words and actions surprised you.

could she be mad?

a moment of silence later and it was still bothering you how calm she reacted to your request.



"are...are you upset?"

"what? no, not at all. why?" she asked, pausing the movie you were watching.

"well, you know. it's a lot of people's love language"

"but why would you asking me not to touch you make me upset?"

your fingers caught your attention and suddenly you weren't so sure of yourself. natasha cut that short though by placing her hand below your chin, cupping your face to bring your focus back to her.

you bit the inside of your cheek, emitting a nervous laugh. "people never seemed to care about my own comfort when it came to showing their love language. and it's fine i guess, you know. i'm okay with holding hands and cuddling, but only when i want to. but sometimes it's a little overwhelming? and i know i shouldn't be surprised because you're so considerate, always, all the time, about everything, i don't know... no one's ever been so considerate over something like this though." you finished awkwardly.

natasha softened, "i'm so sorry no one ever took into account about how you felt, but it does matter, to me especially. you matter to me. any time i ever do something, or if you just don't feel like being touched just let me know. your comfort will never be an inconvenience."

she gave your a quick kiss on the lips before pulling away. "want to finish our movie?"

you smiled, nothing but love showing in your eyes.

"of course."

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