rest assured i will be there

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requested by one of my favorite commenters Ladygagavisions  thank you for your endless, meaningful support ‹3

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requested by one of my favorite commenters Ladygagavisions
thank you for your endless, meaningful support ‹3.

note: i don't experience this so if anything is wrong at all i'm sorry :(. i tried to do as much research (even watched a short documentary!), but that doesn't and won't ever compare to ever having gone through it. i hope this was okay!

fun fact: i put lemonade as one of the drinks because lemons are said to have anti-inflammatory enzymes in it! hope this may help anyone.

also lol writing on a 50mg vyvanse rn when i normally take a 30mg. no wonder im getting shit published #yasss #dontdodrugstho

warnings: none? deals with bodily pain, but idk if that needs a warning!

not thoroughly proofread! any and all mistakes are mine!

prns: they/them

. . .

you woke up already knowing what kind of day it was going to be. everything hurt – your shoulders, lower back, legs, arms. everything.

and nothing seemed to help.

the night before hadn't been a pleasant one, but you tried not to worry natasha. she'd given you your meds with a cup lemonade and a half hour long massage until you'd finally reassured her enough that you were okay to sleep.

she stayed up talking to you, trying her best to distract your mind from focusing on the pain. sometimes it helped, other times not so much. the fact that natasha always tried to help you in any way she could never failed to make you feel even just a little bit better though.

when you finally shut your eyes natasha held you close, carefully rubbing your body in the places she knew hurt you the most. she didn't care at all about losing sleep over you, despite your ongoing protests over it.

you'd almost given up on arguing with her over it because you know natasha wasn't one to listen when her mind was already set on something or someone.

. . .

there was a scheduled meeting in an hour for the avengers. you wracked your brain for what it could possibly be about, but the days prior that were full of pain had put a temporary block in your mind.

nonetheless, you brushed you teeth, showered and took your meds as per usual. although this time you hoped just a little bit more than yesterday that the rest of today wouldn't get worse.

"hey sunshine, you're up." natasha greeted, a warm smile written over her face. "how are you feeling?"

you shrugged, "i'm okay. still hurting, but i think i can manage."

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