butterscotch baby

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prompt: "why are you being so nice to me?" + natasha finds herself at the center attention of the school's latest scandal. (high school au)

note: guys i pulled this out of my ass but im kinda happy with it. this turned out way longer than i expected lol, i was aiming for a good 800 but it ended up being 2.5k words.
+ i appreciate every comment you guys leave, i see them all and they always make me happy. thank you sm for the support <3

warnings: smidge of angst but its cute ( ◠‿◠ )
word count: 2.5k

prns: can't remember if i specified and my adhd doesn't want to keep fixing this book so i don't have the attention span to try and read it rn </3

. . .

when word got out that natasha had cheated on her girlfriend almost everyone hated her immediately. the fight happened on a friday night and by monday morning natasha could feel every single pair of eyes on her as she walked down the hall.

that very same week, natasha was greeted with glares and left to sit alone at lunch. no one would talk to her, and if they did, it only reminded her how much of a piece of shit she was.

natasha never felt more alone in her life than she did now. her social status was ruined, her grades were beginning to slip, and even the people she considered her closest friends avoided her as much as possible. the split second they saw the redhead they would turn the other way, not bothering to give her a second glance. it was like the last four years of friendship never existed.

and the truth was, natasha never cheated. a thought like that would never cross her mind. her ex-girlfriend was bitter and became overly jealous whenever nat would even glance at another woman.

so on that friday night when natasha was pouring her friend a drink, a jealous rage took over her ex. she'd began screaming out of nowhere, calling the redhead a filthy liar and a cheater.

too baffled by the incident, natasha didn't have the words to argue against the accusation. her silence only made the situation worse.

taking advantage of natasha's silence, her ex slapped her in the face and dumped a cup of vodka all over nat's bright red hair. she was kicked out minutes later, left completely alone to walk home.

she tried to clear her name over the weekend, texting and calling every number she had on her phone - begging them to listen to her side of the story. but no one would listen to a cheater. no one wanted to listen.

it'd been a month now, and nothing had improved. teacher's somewhat sympathized with the teenager, but none of them really bothered to check on her. the only time natasha's teachers spoke to her was when it regarded her grades and test scores.

natasha wasn't dumb. she knew she needed to get it together. god knows how long it'll take though.

an aggressive puff of air left her mouth and her hands went to rub her eyes. fucking chemistry. had she been paying attention in class, she wouldn't have to stay after school in the library every day.

today was unusually crowded though, and it left her with only one open seat to study in - next to you.

natasha had only ever spoken to you a handful of times, but she remembered your name and the gentleness of your personality.

you weren't popular or belonging to any certain group. you were just yourself, authentic as any person could come. your friends were few and far between, but it was never really a problem. if anything, it was more of a relief. you wouldn't ever have to deal with drama or having to keep up with the latest trends. (because honestly, you didn't really care.)

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