lucky save

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note: this was a christmas present for one of my tumblr followers ‹3.

prompt: you and natasha deal with the aftermath of protecting her during a mission. she hasn't left your side since, too afraid to lose you.

you know, the fic where she's a bit too overprotective now and she's scared to death when you're not anywhere near her eyesight, and she holds you and keeps you close all the time now? yeah, that fic (but you don't mind it too much in this one).

warnings: mild talk of violence. fluff, so sweet and cute it kind of makes me want to die.

. . .

natasha remembered every detail about that day. it only happened two weeks ago, but she could remember step by step from waking up that morning to the minute she was forced to sit by your hospital bedside later that same night.

she spent the entire time praying to a god she hadn't talked to in over a decade for some sort of miracle. that night and the few days that followed were some of the most cruel and excruciatingly painful moments of her life she'd ever had to endure.

natasha should've known you'd do something that stupid for her. it's not like she wouldn't have done the same though, you're her wife for god's sake. the only thing she hated about the situation was that it was you who put your life at risk to save hers.

you only knew now just how little natasha cared for her own existence when it came to the ones she loved. it broke your heart in a way you couldn't explain. you'd made it a future goal that when you were better you'd show her just how much she matters to those around her, starting with herself first.

and contrary to what most people would think about natasha's reaction to the situation, she didn't push you away. that thought hadn't crossed the spy's mind even once since the mission.

natasha wasn't going to let you slip away from her own fear and insecurities of losing you. having witnessed your near death experience only solidified your value of existence to her. it would be stupid of natasha to be anything except there for you, by your side, even if she did get annoyed with herself in the process of it all. she just needed for you to be safe, alive and well.

true to her unspoken promise, natasha hadn't left your side. for nearly a week now she'd been helping you out with everything, including the things you were most embarrassed and ashamed of.

"hey nat?"

"i'm here." she called softly from outside of the bathroom door.

"would you mind helping me with my bandages? i can't reach my lower back in the way i need to." natasha rushed over towards you, worry evident in her eyes.

"you should've asked me to help you the second you got in here! i don't want-"

"natasha, it's okay. i'm okay. nothings going to happen to me anymore. not while i have you around."

she huffed, "yeah but-"

"not to mention i'm off missions for the next four months, all 121 days of those which you took off for as well." natasha bit back her reply, choosing to solely focus on patching you back up, properly.

the bruises on your back were all still a familiar dark shade of purple. you both knew it would take awhile for your ribs to heal, but having seen the external damage done to your body only made natasha's stomach churn with guilt.

"do you want to lay back down? i know the doctor said bed rest, but i know how suffocating that can feel, even if it's just been short of a week. we can drive around if you'd like, or do whatever makes you feel better."

natasha romanoff one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now