eat the cake

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note: the way i could only come up with something for my 21st birthday and its tied to my mental illness </3. i'm so sorry i haven't uploaded in awhile, i haven't had much motivation for anything really. but i am going to try and push myself a little more.

also, this isn't very good but i wanted to kinda get something out as a gift for myself even though i won't ever read this again.

anyways, hope you guys are okay and i will try to work on requests asap!!

oh and this fic has wanda in it as well cause that's gf fr

warnings: ed fic + semi proofread

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wanda and natasha had been great throughout your recovery process. they always knew just how much to push you and when to leave you be, though not without a few trial and errors.

slowly, things got better. you could eat three meals a day without lying about it, control became less of a battle, and guilt faded more and more as the days passed by.

however, all of this didn't mean you were immune to have bad days or slip ups.

today just so happened to be another one of those days - because it was your birthday.

both wanda and natasha could tell that you were off a week prior. they knew what was coming up. meals were met with a little more resistance than before, time was spent away from them, and your favorite snacks hadn't been touched once in the past five days.

in your mind this was what had to be done in order to celebrate your birthday the 'right' way. you were compensating for the dessert no one else seems to have a problem with eating.

yesterday had been a day wanda and natasha hadn't experienced in awhile. you skipped both breakfast and lunch, only agreeing to dinner because your stomach wouldn't quit growling. but even then you only consumed about a third of your plate.

the night finished off with your back turned away from your girlfriends. you flinched at their touch, too grossed out by your body to have either of them spoon you.

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wanda brushed a few stray hairs away from your face before placing a kiss on your cheek.

"happy birthday my love." she kissed you again, causing your eyes to flutter open ever so slightly. you smiled at the sight of both sets of green eyes staring down at you.

"up!" natasha cheered, "we've got a fun day ahead of us."

you groaned, "what if i just wanted to stay in bed all day with my beautiful girlfriends." wanda giggled. "well that's too bad now, isn't it? now rise and shine! up, up, up! it's your birthday!"

natasha wanted to take you shopping, much to your dismay. but you ended up enjoying the time spent and (very) reluctantly agreed to let both of them buy you a piece of jewelry that cost more than your rent. you knew there was no changing their mind though, no matter how much you told them the only thing you wanted was to spend time with each other.

"okay i have a little request..." you trailed innocently. "natasha might hate it, but wanda i think you might have fun with it."

natasha stood with her arms crossed, a smirk plastered on her face. "is it that photo booth you've been eyeing for the past ten minutes?"

you sheepishly nodded, "it's okay if you don't want to though, natasha. i know it's not exactly your thing."

the older redhead frowned, cupping your face in her hands. "whose birthday is it?"

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