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note: hmmm

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note: hmmm... not sure how i feel about this. ending was kinda sucky but #whatever

warnings: none? not proofread so all mistakes are completely mine :( also its short </3.

idk im sleepy.

. . .

natasha loved doing small, normal things outside of being an avenger. she cherished them way more than people would ever think. things like doing her nails every once in awhile or cooking dinner made her feel at ease, all the dramatics of being an avenger were put aside for the time being.

so when you'd asked her to go with you to get your ears pierced, natasha was more than happy to go with you. she tugged your hand the entire way out of the building and into her sleek, black corvette.

the redhead was even as kind as to open the passenger door for you.

"thank you, natty."

"you know you're the only person that calls me that." she smirked, shutting her own car door.

"that's because i'm the only person you let use that nickname."

"there may be a little truth to that..."

the ride came to a stop shortly after your ten minute trip down the road. you were greeted with natasha by your side, helping you out of the car and into the tattoo parlor.

you signed the initial disclosure of your age and whatnot before anxiously sitting in the waiting room. natasha had to keep her hand on your knee to keep it from bouncing so much.


"kinda. i've never had anything pierced other than the normal ear piercings everyone has."

"it's not too bad, you'll be okay. besides, you've got me here."

not too much longer and you were called back. you took a seat on the chair, kicking your feet back and forth above the ground as you watched the piercer get her supplies ready.

she marked you and you gave her confirmation that your new piercing would be in the right spot. natasha held onto your hand as you closed your eyes.

"alright, you'll hear the sound of a crunch and that's when you'll know it's through the cartilage."

you squeezed nat's hand tighter than before when you felt the metal needle align with the marked area.

"just breathe, my love. it'll be over before you know it. if you want, when we're done we can go stop by the ice cream shop just a few blocks away. how does that sound?"

"sounds good natty," you whispered.

the crunch came sooner than expected and you flinched slightly in your seat.


natasha giggled, rubbing her thumb over the tops of your knuckles. she used her other hand to wipe away the stray tear that left your eye.

"see? i knew you could do it."

the piercer stepped back after placing in the jewelry. she handed you a small mirror, pushing your hair out of the way so you could see her minor work of art.

"how do you like it?"

"i love it, thank you! do you like it, natty?"

you turned your head so natasha could see your new addition. "looks gorgeous. now lets get some saline and pay for it, yeah?"

you nodded, making your way out the room and behind the piercer.

"be sure to clean it twice a day and remember to be careful with it. your piercing will hurt for awhile. try not to get it hung on clothes or anything like that. don't twist it or play with it until it's healed and don't sleep on that side of your body for at least a week. okay?"

"sounds great! thank you again, i hope to be back for something else in the future." you left with a smile and natasha's hand in yours.

when you got in her car you pulled the sun visor down, wanting to get another look at your piercing. a small frown graced your face when you notice how red your ear was.

"my ear's all red natty, i look funny."

"it'll be okay."

"but people will think it's weird and they'll stare."

"well then they'll have to deal with me now, won't they?" she countered.

you shrugged, "i guess so..."

"damn right, you know so."

"do you really like it? like one hundred percent?" natasha smiled, "baby you look hot with piercings."

you rolled your eyes, "says you. you have like a billion other ear piercings."

"yes, says me. now lets go get ice cream and then we can show the team your little surprise."

"mkay natty."

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