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prompt: soulmate AU where you see color when you find your soulmate, but R is blind so they have no hope. one day natasha bumps into R and sees color, but she's too chicken shit to say anything so she makes an excuse to keep seeing you.

prns: she/her (before my nonbinary realization </3)

warnings: this was written in 2018, horrible writing, i was 17 when i wrote this. very ooc natasha. yes these are warnings. (like im so serious there's probably shit in here that doesnt make sense at all LMFAO.) might rewrite this here in the near future idk. + not proofread

word count: 1.3k

. . .

You had been blind since birth, and you were fine with it at first. It wasn't until you started hearing all the stories about soulmates and seeing color when you started having a hard time with it. You had first heard from other people in high school. They heard from their parents.

Your parents tried to shield you away from hearing these stories because they knew you'd be crushed. And you were. When you began to ask other people about it they never said anything, only whispering about you behind your back.

'She'll never find anyone'

'She's going to live alone forever'

The longer this happened, the more hopeless you became. By the time you graduated high school you had completely given up. Believing that absolutely no one would love you, you shut everyone out-including your parents. They tried to make contact with you after you moved out, but you kept it short and minimal.

. . .

You were walking down the street when out of nowhere someone bumped into you. "Watch it." You growled, not wanting to be bothered. "Sorry-oh my god." A woman's voice broke out. You kept walking, ignoring the woman you'd ran into.

"Hey, wait!" The woman followed you. You let out a loud sigh and turned towards the direction from where you thought you heard her voice. "What?"

"I'm Natasha, what's your name?" She spoke.

You scoffed. "Did you just ask my name?" The thought of her being your soulmate never even crossed your mind.

"I do believe I did. Is that okay?"

"It's Y/N. Can I get going now?" Natasha smiled, but it fell when she realized you were blind. Not that she minded, but she knew you couldn't see what she was seeing. All the colors hit her at once, vibrating through the air. But all you saw was nothing.

"Can I take you out for lunch?"

"Why would you do that? You literally just bumped into me." Natasha smirked at your reply, if you wanted to give her a challenge, she'd take it.

"You seem like a cool person."

"We just-"

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon." Natasha gave you a pat on the shoulder and began walking off. You heard her footsteps leaving and called out to her. "You don't even know where I live!"

"Oh I'll find it!" She called back with a smirk on her face.

. . .

It was the next day and you were getting ready to have lunch with Natasha. You weren't nervous, you weren't scared-you just wanted to get this over with. You didn't know what she was hoping for because you sure as hell weren't going to put any effort in this.

There was a knock on your door and you slowly made your way towards the noise.

"Hey, you ready?" She asked. You shrugged your shoulders, "Sure."

She took your hand in hers and you flinched. You hadn't had physical contact with anyone in a very long time.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." She apologized. "It's fine," you mumbled and shoved your hands in your pockets, away from Natasha. She felt bad and wanted nothing more than to wrap you in her arms and apologize-you were her soulmate after all, but you didn't know that.

Once you two got to the restaurant you both ordered, and Natasha helped you find a seat. "Thanks." You mumbled.

"So Y/N, what do you like to do?" Natasha tried to make conversation.

"I like to write. Funny, right?" You joked.

You ended up really enjoying Natasha, and you couldn't figure out why. No one had ever made you feel this good inside. You shocked yourself when you decided on meeting her again.

. . .

You and Natasha had been friends for a few months now. You learned all about her missions and her badass friends. You enjoyed hearing all the stories she told. But lately you began to feel as if something was off with her. She was more timid and anxious these past few weeks. Concern was taking over, so you decided to have her come over.

You heard her standing outside your door for a few minutes before you decided to just open the door.

"Nat, you okay?" You heard her jump.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Whats up?" You let her in and for the first time you felt uneasy around her. It was almost like you were waiting for her to breakup with you.

"Uh, I was actually hoping I could talk to you? You've been really off lately and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay?" Your concern came out more as a question than a statement.

You made your way to the couch and heard her follow along. "Yeah, no everything's fine. It's okay." She whispered the last part like she was trying to reassure herself more than you.

Your hands gently reached out to touch her face. She stiffened, but let you do it anyways. Her jaw was clenched, signaling that she was anxious. Her lips were in placed in a straight line and her eyebrows were furrowed together, forming a frown.

"Your mouth says it is, but your face says otherwise. You can talk to me if you want." You offer.

She sighed, giving it some thought.

"Please don't freak out, okay? You have to promise me you won't freak out."

"You're scaring me Nat, what's going on? Are you okay?" Your voice was laced with worry, fear that something bad was happening to your friend.

"Promise me." Her voice was lower, and it kind of scared you for a second.

"Okay. I promise."

"I'm your soulmate..." She let out a breath that she didn't realize she'd been holding in. Relief washed over her, and she was glad to get it off her chest.

You on the other hand, were in shock.

"W-what?" Your mouth flew open.

"I'm your soul-"

"No, Natasha you're lying! I know what they say about people like me. I don't have a soulmate. There's no way." By now you were frantic and your hands began to shake.

Natasha quickly caught on and took your hands, placing them on her face.

"Hey it's okay, feel me. Focus on my face. Let your hands steady." And you did. You felt the way her cheekbones dipped and rose back up, you felt the softness of her skin, and you felt the way her nose curved into the perfect shape.

"When I bumped into you that day, I immediately saw color. That's why I asked you to lunch. Ever since then I've been too scared of saying anything because I know how you feel about soulmates." Natasha inched closer to you. She grabbed your hand and began rubbing a circular motion on the top of it, causing your anxieties to slowly disappear.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I guess if anyone could be my soulmate it's you. Sorry you're stuck with me." You laughed.

She lightly hit your arm and glared at you, although you couldn't see it.

"Hey that was uncalled for!" You giggled. Natasha wrapped her arms around you and snuggled closer to you.

"Maybe one day I'll make something so you can see colors."

"I'd like that.."

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