beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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i did this on tumblr too but here's a mini face reveal... yikes ! i thought these were okay selfies from today but the longer that i look at them i get #grossedout lmao. so im just gonna post n try not to think too much about it.

i'll probably end up deleting it here within the next few days so if you get an "update" that's not actually an update then that's why. or i'll just delete it when i post a new fic.

anyways onto the fic !


college au!

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college au!

note: i hope this was okay! i had a bit of trouble at first coming up with a prompt but i mixed in something of an old work and combined it into this.

also i'm not deaf, but i do have hearing issues in my left ear and i do know quite a bit of sign language. and i am using a little bit of my own experience in this, but no harm is meant to come from this fic :].

i kind of hate this im so sorry.

warnings: none i don't think. not thoroughly proofread! all and any mistakes are mine ofc.

italics at the end are signed!

.   .   .

after an hour or so of studying literature, you were beginning to feel stressed. your nerves were building and you were beginning to feel frustrated. your jaw clenched every two seconds.

you needed a break, and you needed it now.

with a small sigh, you got up and connected your phone to your speaker after double checking to make sure your roommate, natasha, wasn't in another room.

scrolling through your playlist and picking one of your favorite songs, you pressed play and sat on the floor. you closed your eyes, allowing the vibrations to be welcomed by your other senses.

the song was rather fast paced, but it was easy to keep up with signing along thanks to a good twenty-some years of practice.

the rhythm flowed through your body, bringing immediate relaxation. it was times like these when you could fully appreciate your gift of language.

you'd had an off and on relationship with the only way you could communicate with. the world never made it easy for those with disabilities; often ridiculing, mocking, berating, and demanding they gain control over something they possibly couldn't.

after years of speech therapy and learning how to read lips, here you were enjoying something you were taught to believe was wrong.

you were completely content with not being able to hear, and perfectly fine with the deaf label. there wasn't anything you'd want to fix about yourself now, no one's opinion could change that.

unbeknownst to you however, natasha was standing in the doorway watching your every little move. she was mesmerized not only by your beauty, but at how graceful and at peace you looked. she watched you sway with the music all while signing the words as the sunlight kissed your skin.

when the song came to an end, you stopped your music and moved yourself back into your position of study. but before you could completely get comfortable, your roommate put a hand on your shoulder, careful not to startle you.

you turned around in shock, embarrassment flooding your cheeks.

no. no. no. there was no need for you to feel this way, especially not now. you were so sure of yourself just moments ago.

but maybe it was because she caught you by surprise that had you so worked up about it.

natasha bit her lip before grabbing a clean sheet of paper and pen from beside you.

"will you teach me? i know we've only practically just met a couple of weeks ago, but i'd love to get to know you better."

you stood dumbfounded, tears starting to form in your eyes. it wasn't until then when natasha put two and two together. she rushed closed to you, gently wrapping her arms around your body.

while doing so, she took the paper out of your hand, quickly scrambling down what she was trying to get out before pulling away.

it made for an awkward first hug, you could admit that.

"i think it's really cool! no need to be embarrassed or anything. i promise :)."

you tried to pull yourself together. taking the paper and pen from her hands and writing down your response on your desk.

"why aren't you laughing at me?" you slid the paper towards her. natasha's head tilted in confusion before realizing what you'd meant by your question.

"is that what they did to you?" she whispered to herself, although she knew you could read what she was saying. not a second later you looked back up at her, nodding your head in confirmation.

with the pen still in your hand, you went to scribble out something else.

"sorry for crying, you just really caught me off guard. i didn't think you'd be back until 5. this is normally something i do when i'm sure no one else will be around. i'm happy to teach you though."

your roommate couldn't help the grin on her face when she took the pen from you again.

"i'm sorry for disturbing you. no need to worry about crying, i'm not here to judge. i just think it's a beautiful language. i've always wanted to learn, and now i have a reason to."

you switched with her again.

"you know what they say, beauty comes from pain. i guess maybe that's why gallaudet made the language."

natasha shook her head.

"well personally, i believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

.   .   .

+ bonus:

'hey natty?'

'what's up?'

'you look very beautiful. you always do. and i think i might just have to ask you to marry me one day.' you signed, knowing full and well she didn't know exactly what you were telling her.

natasha playfully huffed a bit of air. 'i haven't learned all of that yet, you said you'd be fair.' you stuck out your tongue, 'i never said i'd always be fair. besides, you know all of this, but still can't tell when im calling you beautiful? c'mon nat, it's a one handed movement.'

'hey now, i know beautiful! it's the second half i don't know yet. maybe you should teach me that part.'

'in time i will.'

'i'm practicing as much as i can, you know.'

'i know nat, but look how far you've come already! just from five months ago! you're unbelievably talented, and you're learning at a much faster rate than i ever did. you don't give yourself enough credit.'

natasha tugged you by the arm and pulled you in for a kiss.


'that's you, of course.'

'if i'm so cute then tell me what you said, please? you know i can't google that. or at least i don't know how to- yet.' she paused, adding a pout at the end of her statement.

'i'll tell you when i know it's the right time.'

'you're a pain in my ass, you know that, right?'

'i wake up every day and make it my number one priority, of course i know, natasha.'

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