little update ᥫ᭡

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edit: 1/03/23
the original note was written in october of 2022. i will not be returning (check first chapter) to write for this particular character. disregard the sections that say i might return.

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idk who cares or which of my mutuals are still active, but i just wanted to tell you guys i'm doing really well lately. life has been very good as of late. im going to a blackpink concert tuesday so im super excited about that!! mentally im doing a lot better too! as far as my ed goes, it's there and i don't think it'll ever leave, but my thoughts aren't as loud as they used to be. and its great to be able to say that i've restored some of my physical symptoms as well!! im also trying some new stuff and going out with people again. it's been good, i feel like im living life more than i have in a long time.

as far as writing goes, i'm not quite sure where i'm at with that. writing was my outlet for the things i was struggling with and feeling, and since im a lot better than i was before its hard to find that motivation to write for those sorts of things now. i'm sorry about that, but i do hope you guys understand why i don't think i'll be able to continue writing those things.

i hope you all are well, and i hope to be able to get to writing stuff soon – though hopefully it'll be more in the fluff category haha. i'll write when i can, but i can't say when that will be since i'm a lot more focused on life and stuff. i'll still be active of course, so if anyone ever wants to talk or whatever i'll still be here!

i'm going to be completing this book, but when i come back i will start a new one and post a note here so you guys can know. anyways, that's all for now i think.

also, if you guys want to you can follow my twitter. i'm a lot more active there anyway. my main is @/t9zus i'll follow back :).

okay bye for now!!


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