stop doing that*

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prompt: reader always unconsciously grunts/moans when moving stuff or getting up and nat can't take it anymore

note: i honestly have no idea what this is. probably the worst smut you'll ever read but have fun!

[side note]: guys this is actually so bad im not kidding it was kinda rushed and i was strung tf out writing this EYE PROMISE my smut is not normally this bad omg...
+ i cant bring myself to reread byeee

mommy kink, oral (r receiving), idk what else there is that i should tag

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natasha dropped her spoon the first time she heard you moan. all you did was bite into a piece of food wanda had made. she was quick to recover from her accident though, not giving a single clue away from her face.

no one thought twice about it.

but when you moved in and it became something of a regular basis, that's when natasha knew she was in a dilemma.

she tried not to pay attention to it, she really did. but with every bite you took, or move to stand, or whine you made when you accidentally bumped into something, natasha found it harder and harder to ignore her own fiery emotions.

tonight felt worse than usual. it seemed every five seconds you were making some kind of noise with your mouth, and natasha had to clench her legs tight to suppress her own neediness.

you sat beside her, fork in hand as you dug into wanda's meal of the night, yet another moan leaving your mouth.

natasha had half a mind to think you were doing it on purpose, but when she saw the innocent glint in your eyes when you complimented wanda's cooking, she knew that couldn't be true.

"oh god! ugh, this food is amazing!" you unconsciously gripped natasha's thigh as she was right by your side.

dirty thoughts flashed through the russian's mind. it was getting harder and harder for her to not stand up and take you there on the table. annoyed, natasha abruptly stood up from her chair and walked away in hopes of cooling herself down.

you frowned, unsure of what set her off.

"i'm going to go check on her and make sure everything's okay." wanda nodded, bringing her attention back to the food in front of her.

you walked briskly down the hall to natasha's room. she closed her door right before you could call her name to stop her. so you settled on a knock.

"nat? what's wrong?"

she sighed. of course you would follow her, what a stupid idea to think otherwise.

"i'm fine, go back to dinner. i'll be out in a bit."

you knocked again, harder. "natasha come out here. did i do something to upset you?"

"no, you're fine i promise. now can you leave?" unfortunately for natasha, you wouldn't take no for an answer.

"nattyyyyy." you whined once more. "natash-"

"oh!" you grunted as you tripped over your own shoe, landing right against natasha's door. you were met with the door swinging open, green eyes boring into yours.

"stop doing that."

"doing what?"

"stop whining! and moaning, and grunting, and groaning." she finished, cheeks rising red.

"i'm confused, nat. i don't know what you're talking about."

natasha rolled her eyes and pulled you inside her room by the collar of your t-shirt. her push against the wall caused you to let out a squeal.

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