sick days

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req: i was wondering if you could do a nat x daughter reader fic where we are basically overworking ourselves with school and our first job, and get really sick/depressed and nat notices and helps? cuddles and just support and fluff please?

hope this is ok, req is currently my situation and need some nat comfort for it :)))

notes: yass slayy another request down. idk how to feel abt it but i hope this was okay and i hope you like it!!

warnings: none? sickness, semi proofread, lazy title.

mama!nat x adopted daughter!reader

. . .

monday started with a sore throat, but you ignored it thinking it would disappear on its own.

tuesday ended with a pounding headache and a bottle of tylenol by your bedside.

wednesday hit you with on and off waves of nausea, the night ending with you curled in a ball with your arms tucked into your side.

thursday you could hardly move out of your bed, but you trudged through it not wanting to worry about the consequences of not getting up.

the urge to fall in your mothers arms grew stronger every second you were awake. you'd been so stressed lately and she could tell. natasha tried to help in small ways as much as she could, but it only went so far when you were crammed day in and day out with work and school.

you had almost no time for yourself, let alone any time to spend with friends or hang around the house with your mom. it was no surprise natasha had no idea you were sick when you'd been leaving the house before she got up and coming home to her already asleep on the couch, clearly trying to stay up for your arrival.

friday though, was different.

natasha was up before you with breakfast ready on the kitchen table, something you typically didn't have time for before school.

"good morning." she greeted you with a warm smile on her face.

her red hair was tied back into a messy bun and you watched her for a quick second as she finished cleaning up her mess.

"morning." natasha was quick to raise her eyebrow at the sound of your voice.

"you okay?"

"mhm." you nodded, closing your eyes as you took a seat at the table. all you had to do was get through the next two days. that's it.

"you don't sound okay."

"i'm okay mom, promise." you mumbled, forcing yourself to take a bite of the food on your plate.

normally you'd be ecstatic that your mom made breakfast because she always made it well, but you didn't have the energy or the appetite to enjoy her cooking.

natasha watched as you shoved the food around on your plate and frowned. "i think you should stay home, you don't look too good sweetheart."

you were quick to shake your head in protest, "no mom i can't. i have school today and work after. i just have to wait until sunday and then i can rest."

"it won't kill you to call in, you know. i'm sure they'll understand. and you can always catch up on school, i'll always help out with what i can." she tried to push.

"i said no." you snapped, despite that being the only thing you wanted to do.

"watch your tone," she warned. "and i'm not asking anymore, give me your keys."

"seriously? i have school-"

"and i'll call them and tell them you're absent."

"and work?" you huffed.

"it's a thursday night at a local craft store, they'll be fine. now hand me your keys."

"this is so stupid. i'm going to get behind and it's going to be all your fault." you rolled your eyes, shoving the keys in her direction before angrily getting up.

you didn't mean what you said to her. you were just so overwhelmed and tired, you couldn't control yourself when you snapped at her.

the next few hours were spent in your room. your muscles ached, your head was pounding and you felt like you were going to throw up any minute.

your only saving grace was the fact that your boss understood your situation and gave you the next couple of days off. now your mind was primarily focused on school and the work you were going to miss. it was only one day, but with AP classes it felt more like three days worth of work to catch up on.

natasha knocked on your door a little past noon with a bowl of soup. "here, it'll help your throat."

you didn't answer her out of guilt from earlier in the day, but when she left you didn't hesitate to turn over and try to provide some relief on your throat. plus it was good, natasha knew just the right seasonings to use that wouldn't bother your throat.

when you finished you tip-toed your way down the wooden floors of your hallway, careful not to make too much noise when you set the empty bowl in the sink.

before you could go back to your room you stopped to see your mom sitting on the couch, blanket wrapped around her body while she watched tv. she looked cozy, safe even.

it was because of that you went over to her, sneaking your way under the blanket and resting your head on her shoulder.

"i'm sorry mama." natasha snaked her arm around your back, gently guiding your body down so that you were laying on her stomach. her fingers found their way in your hair and began massaging the crown of your head in hopes of easing the headache she already knew you had.

"it's okay baby, i know you're sick." she reassured.

"i'm so stressed and i don't know what to do. and i'm so exhausted from everything, i barely have time for myself and i miss you and i can't-"

"hey, hey, shhh slow down. you're okay. take a deep breath for me." she rubbed her thumb over your cheek. "there you go sweetheart, you've got it."

when you managed to calm down a bit more natasha brought up the topic again.

"do you think dropping out of AP classes would help?"

"but what about college?" you mumbled softly. "i don't want to be a failure."

"you're anything but a failure, little lady. and most colleges don't care about AP classes anyway."

you sniffled, "they don't?"

"nope. it's mostly just a thing snobby kids use to boast about on their applications. you're only doing more work than necessary when it's not towards any kind of college credits." your mother confirmed.

"what about work?" natasha tilted her head, "can't you always adjust your availability? you don't have to work every single day of the week, especially not when you're still in high school. i don't like it when you're out so late every night anyway."

you nodded, "i missed spending time with you more than anything. i hate feeling this way."

natasha gave you a small squeeze, "i'm always here. we've got all the time in the world. now lets get you feeling better before we do anything else, okay? c'mon, i'll carry you to my room and we can watch a movie."

"mom i'm 17, you can't pick me up," you giggled as you hopped off the couch.

"you seem to forget that i have a serum running through my veins." she kissed the top of your head before picking you up and bringing you into her room.

you snuggled into her side, the feeling of sickness already starting to become less miserable.

everything would be okay as long as you had your mom around.

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