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request: Is it cool if I can request a Natasha romanoff x Female reader where reader is just like not having the best day and can't even get out of her and so Nat notices and doesn't force her to do anything she doesn't wanna do and just looks after her? Like feeds her soup and shit? I just want Nat to fill me up with love tbh

warnings: none

prns: she/her

word count: 900

. . .

natasha panicked as she raced her way to your house. you were supposed to meet her for lunch, but after fifteen minutes of waiting natasha decided to call you. it wasn't like you to be late for things, especially when it came to spending time with your girlfriend.

she'd been worried about you lately, which is why she planned out a nice little meal for the two of you. it would've been the perfect opportunity to ask you what was going on.

but alas, here she was shoving a house key into your door, challenging the wooden door with the very force of her shoulder.

your house was still, quiet, and had it not been for natasha hearing a groan come from your bedroom she would've thought you'd been kidnapped.

"y/n?" nat marched her way into your room, not bothering to knock before letting herself in. "y/n, hey, hey, what's wrong?"

your eyes were stained red from crying and the sight of natasha only made you feel even more guilty than before. the redhead was quick to act though, and kicked off her shoes and jacket to slide in bed beside you.

"you're trembling," she commented. you felt her cold fingertips dive underneath your shirt to rub your stomach - something that could almost immediately calm you down.

days like this came few and far between, but when they did happen, natasha did everything she could think of to try to lift your spirits.

twenty minutes or so later and you flipped yourself over to face her. she offered a gentle smile, hoping to receive one in return, but all you could do was force yourself to swallow another wave of emotion.

"i'm sorry i missed lunch."

"no, no, you're okay. perfectly okay. i promise." you hummed in response, nuzzling your nose closer into her chest. the small feeling of her chin resting on top of your head seemed to relax you even more, just as the slight graze of her nails inching up your back did. "are you hungry?"

"a little bit," you admitted, looking her directly in the eyes. "but i don't want you to leave."

natasha giggled while pressing a kiss to your forehead. "i'm afraid i have to. but i'll be quick, okay? i'm just going to make some soup, it'll take me ten minutes max."

"pinky promise?"

"i pinky promise." she reassured.

and true to her word, natasha came back with forty-three seconds to spare. in her hands were napkins, a spoon, and a clay bowl with soup fresh off the stove.

you moved to sit up, reaching your arms out to grab the bowl, only to be scolded by the redhead.

"nuh uh, sit back." she ordered.

confusion plastered your face quicker than natasha could blink. you frowned. surely you did something to upset her, right?

her face softened and a pang of guilt shot through her chest at the way she caused you to feel so small with just a short amount of words.

"sorry, i didn't mean for it to sound so demanding." she sheepishly apologized. "forgive me?"

"of course i forgive you natty."

"okay well, let me make it up to you, yeah?" you nodded, unsure what exactly her game plan was.

but when she placed the steaming bowl of soup down on her lap and wrapped her fingers around a silver spoon, then you knew what she was about to do.

"nat, hey, no, you don't have to do that. i can feed myself."

"i know... but i wanted to do this."

seeing how much the small gesture meant to her, you relaxed against the pillows, beckoning your head to grant her permission. natasha's face lit up, and she moved to make herself more comfortable.

you could tell she was a little anxious, probably nervous because she had never taken care of anyone like this before. she wanted to get it right, to make you as happy and comfortable as she possibly could.

the first spoonful was a little more hot than what you initially expected. you tried to hide your flinch but failed miserably in doing so when the liquid hit the back of your throat.

"sorry! sorry, sorry, i should've known to blow on it." the redhead criticized.

"it's okay nat, don't worry."

every spoonful after that natasha made sure it was absolutely positively not hot.

"thank you for doing this for me, tasha. i know you were worried about not doing the right thing, but i feel a lot better than before. all thanks to you."

you fumbled with the hourglass charm on the bracelet you gave her months prior. it was just as pristine as it was when you gave it to her.

"it's not a problem, sweetheart. i'm just glad you're safe and i'm the one who gets to help you."

by "help you", you knew she meant to protect you. it was just her way of discreetly sneaking in things she wanted you to know, just not by saying it outright.

so for the rest of the day you and natasha switched between napping, watching movies and talking. although you did have to try to fend her off when she would smother you in kisses and tickle the sides of your ribs just to hear you laugh. but it was worth it.

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