right where you left me

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request [from wattpad]: Hey can you write a chapter on your Natasha romanoff one shot book about the reader having a really abusive boyfriend and Natasha takes awhile to realise but then she figures it out and like beats him up and shit... I would read a chapter a day of your book after school and it was the only thing I looked forward to so it would really be amazing if you made a chapter from my request x <3

+ Oh and then can the reader and Natasha get together. I love loads of fluff xxx ur one of my favorite authors on this platform <3

note: so i changed up a few things. i changed boyfriend to girlfriend and i didn't really have them end up together per se because i didnt want it to look like i was romanticizing it, but i got as far as i was comfortable with!

+ i dont think i usually use too many gendered terms, but to clarify on this specific fic, this is a fem!reader story :3.

warnings: heavy on abuse, mentions of blood and some descriptive violence.

also if your names laura im so sorry omg...

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natasha counted each bruise on your body. one here, two there, and another set of three there. some were big, others smaller, but it didn't change the fact that each one of them plagued your body violently against your skin tone.

you laid sprawled across her lap in nothing but a sports bra and clad sweatpants. she could see how much pain you were in by even the slightest movements you'd make. one wrong move from her and you'd be containing a yelp, desperate to escape your mouth.

"don't worry nat, it's just from the missions. they don't even hurt that bad."

there she was, once again being fooled by your lies, ignoring the gut instinct gnawing at her conscience.

"do you need an ice pack? i'm sure it would help."

"i'm alright. i need to head back to my girlfriend's anyway. she's been missing me."

natasha couldn't help but frown. you'd just returned from your mission not forty minutes ago. you had enough time to shower and change, all you had to do was put on your shirt, grab your keys and leave.

but it was hard. you yearned for natasha's soft touches, so contrast to the rough ones your girlfriend bestowed upon you.

natasha wasn't ever meant to see the markings. you guarded your body with anything and everything you had. somehow though, in the midst of you changing the redhead accidentally walked in on you just as you were tying the strings of your sweatpants into a bow.

after seeing your body, natasha didn't hesitate to pick you up and bring you into her room, your shirt over her shoulder. she set it down beside you after she gently placed your body on her bed — her own body sliding under yours seconds later.

which is exactly why you both needed to leave and needed to stay.

leaving would only cause pain, both physically and mentally. it didn't matter how much it would hurt getting off her, that type of ache was very minor compared to the pain you were to be greeted within the near future.

withdrawing away from her would hurt too, in the sense that you'd soon forget how tender another person's touch could be. one that you weren't afraid of, one that you trusted.

"you should stay, just a little longer." natasha begged, and you almost said yes.

but you'd been on a six-day mission apart from your girlfriend, a six-day mission too long for her liking. there was no way you could get out of it though, you were sure it would cost you your job if you tried.

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