its a mutual feeling *

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prompt: i genuinely don't know. pwp??

warnings: smut + written in 2018 + not proofread

word count: 1k

(natasha x maria x reader.)

. . .

"oh don't give me that look."

you rolled your eyes, earning you maria's hand around your neck. she pushed you against the wall, growling her next response.

"watch your attitude, y/n. natasha has already given you enough warnings. the next line you cross and your ass is going to be seven different shades of red." you nodded in her grip while gaining wetness in between your legs.

"yes ma'am."

"good. now follow nat out back to the party, i'll be there shortly."

natasha took her hand in yours as she led the way. before you re-entered the party, nat pulled you aside.

she kissed your neck and down your collarbone, only stopping when she began to speak. "now if you're good then maria and i will forget about the punishment and make it up to you. think you can be a good girl?" you nodded.

"use your words." she taunted.

"yes- yes ma'am."


she brushed back your hair and gave you one last kiss. it was aggressive, showing you how ready she was.

then, it was game.

maria made you wear the new set of vibrating panties she bought for you. and given the movement you just made, natasha knew she had turned them on. maria finally came out and stood behind you, hands firm on your waist.

"don't cross your legs," she whispered.

you were so close to whining, so close to letting out a loud huff. it was unfair. but nonetheless, you were determined to obey. you wanted to see what was in store for later if you behaved.

thirty minutes later and you were squirming all over the place. both natasha and maria left you alone, eyeing you from afar like prey. they smirked as they watched you talk to people you didn't care about.

they talked amongst themselves, catching up on stupid things that didn't matter as a way to pass time. in doing so, they lost sight of you. panic quickly set in and they began searching for you, scared that something might've happened.

but alas, they found you. safe. you had secluded yourself from the crowd, almost on the brink of tears from being so sexually frustrated.

the two women smirked harder than they ever had before. you were so hot, all desperate and needy for them. another twenty minutes passed by before they finally made their move.

maria dragged you out of the building while natasha went and got the car. when you got in, the taller woman sat with you in the back, forcing you on her lap.

"b-but this isn't really safe..." your trailed off.

maria groaned and squeezed your boobs tightly, "are you really worrying about your safety right now?"

"well you never know." she ignored your response and put her hand between your legs. you were dripping, both thighs covered in slick liquid. "such a desperate little slut, aren't you?"

before you knew it, you arrived home. both natasha and maria scrambled to get out of the car. one of them -you weren't sure which- unlocked the door. then you felt yourself being picked up by natasha and carried to the bed.

"gonna do you real good tonight princess." you watched her red fiery hair bounce as she stripped from her clothes. maria began to undressed you, kissing your body as she did.

"please.." you begged.

"please what?" she licked your pussy. "let me cum." maria's tongue went deeper inside you, and you nearly came right there.


once natasha was stripped fully naked, she sat on your face. "you know what to do. get to work sweetheart."

and you did. you tongue fucked natasha into oblivion, enjoying the way her tits bounced from above you. you liked how her nub would rub against your nose, giving her an extra wave of pleasure. natasha's moans slipped out so easily from her lips, and her hips moved in all sorts of movements on your face.

you enjoyed the sight of nat when she was about to release. her eyes were screwed shut and she bit her lip so hard her teeth left indentions. it was hot.

your picked up the pace and you felt natasha's walls clenching around your tongue. she was close, almost screaming your name.

what you didn't expect was for natasha to squirt, but she did. it was the biggest release she'd ever experience. her body shuddered, and her legs squeezed your face even tighter than before. you began licking her, enjoying the taste of her in your mouth.

she looked down at you breathlessly before turning to maria.

"guess it's time we give her a little something back, yeah?" the brunette nodded and continued circling your clit with her tongue. when she was tired of that, she moved to her fingers.

maria started slow, patiently building up the pace so you could have a good orgasm. natasha adjusted you in her lap as she used her hands to roam your body.

the older, more dominant woman of the two began picking up her pace. she slid her fingers in and out of you at a quicker pace.

"so pretty, all juicy and pink for me. i think you deserve what i'm about to give you after being such a good girl for me tonight. natasha and i appreciate it."

you weren't really focused on what she was saying, only on how you were feeling.

natasha had a bright idea and brought out the vibrator she kept hidden somewhere in the room. she switched it on and added it next to maria's fingers.

it was almost too much for you. your eyes closed and your body began reacting.

"come on, you're almost there sweet girl." maria coaxed.

your walls clenched as maria curled her fingers, hitting your spot right where you needed. both natasha and maria watched your back arch through the wave of pleasure that had been delivered.

the brunette smiled, adoring the way you looked. it was both of their favorite thing to see - you at your most vulnerable, all soaked and beautiful. and they liked that it started just from their touch.

"good girl, you did so well." you blushed at the compliment. they laid next to you while tracing the outline of your body.

suddenly growing tired, you shut your eyes. natasha smiled and looked to maria, she gave a nod and rested her head on your chest.

we're so lucky.

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