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summary: reader gets broken up with

note: everyone in this fic is a Lesbian because i said so. and don't say anything that if ur not a lesbian cause idgaf. also this is for my bff, i love u jasiepoo i hope you feel better soon.

+ik ive been writing a lot of mama nat lately whoops 

warnings: semi proofread.

mama!nat x daughter!reader

. . .

going to school the day after you got broken up with was one thing, but seeing your ex girlfriend act like nothing ever happened between the two of you was something else. seeing her happy, unbothered face in your classes and in the hallways only made you feel more ridiculous than before. how could she be so okay while you felt so painfully miserable?

you hadn't even told your mom yet, but you knew she could tell there was something off with you. every chance you got you spent it in your room.

today you had caught your exe's eye and saw that she was wearing one of your favorite hoodies you let her borrow prior to the breakup. it felt like a giant slap in the face and you couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of sadness that ran through your heart.

you didn't bother going to the next class, not when you knew she would be there. instead you hid in the bathroom, phone in hand as you went to call your mom.

she picked up on the third ring.


"yes sweetheart?"

"can you come get me please?" you sniffled, wiping your nose with the sleeve of your shirt.

"what happened? do you want me to call wanda and tell her to meet us at the house?" she questioned, but this wasn't something you necessarily wanted to talk about over the phone in your school bathroom.

"no, no that's okay. can– can i tell you about it when we get home? i don't want to talk about it here." your voice wavered pitifully.

"of course. i'm on my way, hang in there okay?"

you were in her car not fifteen minutes later with your head resting against the window. driving home was a blur, the only thing on your mind being trying not to cry in front of your mom.

as soon as natasha unlocked the door you hurried into your room, slamming your door shut before releasing a sob.

you were so angry and upset. you wanted to hate her, you wanted her to feel as bad as you did, but you couldn't bring it in you truly wish those things - not when a part of you still loved her.

the next hour was spent crying on your bed until you finally wore yourself out.

natasha figured it had been enough time to have for yourself before coming in. she frowned when she saw you curled up on your bed, pillow tucked between your arms.

thinking quickly, she went to grab a bottle of water and two tylenol pills. if you'd been crying as hard as she thought you did, you'd definitely wake up with a headache.

after gently setting the bottle and tylenol on your nightstand, natasha leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead.

she almost made it out of your room when your strained voice called out to her.


she turned around, "shhh, go back to sleep sweetheart." but you sat up, taking the two pills.

"can you stay please? i don't want to be alone." your mother nodded and made her way over to your bed, sliding underneath the covers.

"are you okay princess?"

you bit your lip, shaking your head no. "she broke up with me mama."

"oh darling, i'm so sorry." natasha wrapped her arms around you, bringing you in for the tightest hug you'd felt in awhile.

"and she's completely unbothered by everything. she even wore one of my favorite hoodies today. she knew how much i liked it and she wore it anyway. why would she do that?" you broke into cries again.

"hey, hey shhhh. you're okay, i've got you baby." natasha cooed, kissing the top of your head.

it broke her heart to see you hurting so bad, especially knowing that it was from someone who used to be special to you.

"she said she didn't love me anymore and things weren't the same as they used to be. i don't know what i did wrong, mom." you sniffled, gripping tighter onto natasha's side.

"you didn't do anything wrong baby." she reassured, but it didn't help the situation.

"then why would she break up with me!"

"i wish i had an answer for you, i really do." she whispered.

"i never want to date again," you mumbled, eliciting a laugh from natasha.

"i said the same thing until i met wanda. there's definitely something different about lesbian heartbreak, i'll tell you that. but you'll find the right girl eventually."

you shrugged, "i dunno."

"you will, it just doesn't feel that way right now cause you're hurting."

there was a period of time where all you did was snuggle into natasha as much as you could. her fingers rubbed the base of your scalp, easing some of the tension from your headache.

"when is wanda going to be home?" you questioned, "i want my other mom here to fix me."

natasha checked her watch, "just a few more hours." you hummed in the crook of her neck.

"does it ever stop hurting?"

natasha smiled, "eventually it does."

"you promise?"

"have i ever broken a promise?" she teased lightly. you shuffled to adjust yourself against your mom again.


"go back to sleep baby, wanda and i will be here when you wake up."

you were quick to listen to her, shutting your eyes and letting the warmth of your mother become your security.

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