run into me sunday

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prompt: natasha wants to help, you have no other option.

warnings: deals with anorexia + vent fic + written in late 2020 + can't remember if i proofread this or not

notes: thought about making this a future wanda x reader but then i lost motivation + used my own experiences

word count: 1k

prns: she/her

. . .

natasha was articulate with everything she did. whether it be something as big and important as a mission, or something small as organizing the research she was studying. she was careful, picked up on all the small things other people did in life and remembered them.

so when it came to her attention you were beginning to skip meals, she didn't push it to the back of her mind and forget about it. instead, natasha treaded carefully, tried to push you lightly to have breakfast with the team or stay for lunch - to spend time with everyone at the dinner table.

but when nothing worked natasha confronted you. she didn't expect it to go well, she knew it wouldn't, but the redhead didn't think you would completely disappear on a four month mission the next say.

there was nothing she could do after that. except wait.

during the four months of your absence, natasha took her time to better educate herself on how to help a loved one with an eating disorder.

don't be too pushy.

don't not push at all.

leave the person be.

offer support.

force feed the person.

inpatient recovery.

there was no solid answer as to how to fix you and that bothered nat, more than she liked to admit. it was a tricky situation, but natasha knew you - knew you before your eating disorder. so rather than listening to every little thing every eating disorder resource website said, she figured to trust herself.

the redhead almost forgot about the house she bought. she rarely ever went there because it was so far away from everything and everyone, but her house seemed like the only reasonable option for you.

the week before you came back natasha spent day in and day out cleaning up the place so it would be ready for you. she removed the guest bedroom mattress, per a rule that you would have to sleep with her so she could monitor what you were doing.

when you arrived back, you were in worse shape than she expected you to be. your suit hung heavily atop your body, loose and unfitting. your face was gaunt and sunken in, your hair was thin and your nails were tinged blue. what was most surprising was the smile on your lips as you greeted your teammates.

you'd completely missed the worried glances wanda, steve, tony and everyone else held. you were too excited to be back, ready to perfect yourself even more. surely no one could see any kind of difference, right? you couldn't. 35 pounds lost and you still felt the same.

wanda was the first to hug you. her hugs were the warmest. an overwhelming urge to protect you overcame the witch as she rubbed her hand up and down your sickly body. her fingertips met with the aggressive ridges of your spine.

bump after bump after bump.

the witch pulled back and kissed your forehead. "i missed you."

"i missed you too, wanda."

the rest of the team welcomed you back in their own ways, but you couldn't help but feel a bit awkward - out of place even. your footing with the group didnt have the same grip as it once did.

twenty minutes later and you returned to your room only to find that your stuff had been packed and loaded in suitcases. panic began to spark in your body and you scrambled to your bathroom. pushing away bottles of advil and pepto bismol, your laxatives were nowhere to be seen.

"i took them away, if that's what you're looking for." a voice came from behind you.

your eyes fell on the redheaded spy leaning against your bathroom doorway. her arms were crossed, but her face remained unreadable.


"i think you know why."

"i-i don't understand-"

"you're coming to live with me. away from here, away from everyone else." at this, you huffed and rolled your eyes as you shoved past natasha.

"this is non negotiable y/n-"

"i know how to take care of myself, natasha." she chuckled. "yeah, if you call slowly killing yourself self care."

you didn't laugh, instead shooting her a glare that told her to get the fuck out of your room. when she didn't budge, you moved to push her out but to no avail. your muscles had weakened significantly the four months you were away. natasha slightly faltered the second time you shoved her, but her movements were nothing past that.

biting your lip, you looked into natasha's emerald eyes. her eyebrow was raised and you knew there was no getting out of the inevitable.

without warning natasha pulled you in her arms.

"lets talk." she murmured quietly. you tensed, but followed natasha to the edge of your bed.

"you've got two options. either way you're benched indefinitely. the first choice you have is to be admitted to a facility that specializes in eating disorders. there, they will be a lot more stricter than what i have planned. your second option is to come live with me. you'll be expected to eat three meals a day. you can talk to me, or i can find you a therapist and you can talk to them if you feel that is more beneficial or comfortable."

by now you'd moved to rest your head in natasha's lap, her fingers rubbing your scalp ever so lightly to ease your anxieties.

"every option you have, you have a say in. i don't want you to feel forced, but i cannot, will not stand by and watch you do this to yourself."

there was a gap of silence before you finally spoke. "when do we leave?"

"tonight. everything is set in place for whichever you choose."

"i'll go with you," you sighed. natasha smiled above you before bringing you closer in her lap. "okay. let's get going."

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