ticket for one

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prompt: accidentally taking someone's seat at the movie theater.

note: hiii. hope you like it. also i love horror, i just had to work with my imagination here.

prns: had a female reader in mind but im too lazy to reread and see if i specified

word count: 1.1k

. . .

it wasn't often that natasha was able to go out and enjoy a life of her own. she was needed almost 24/7 at her job. natasha wasn't one to complain, but even the most skilled and profound agents couldn't avoid exhaustion.

she needed a break. and per natasha's request, she asked for a few weeks off several months prior.

a touch of normalcy greeted natasha as soon as she arrived at her destination. it was a small, forgotten town just a few states over, but it was one that functioned perfectly fine on its own. she felt lighter being away from new york, like she could finally breathe on her own.

the maryland wind kept natasha's lips dry and chapped while loose red hair brushed against her face. her hands were shoved deep in the pockets of her jacket in an attempt to stay warm. she felt small.

"for such a well-trained spy, you sure know how to forget the basic necessities," she mumbled to herself.

natasha didn't have anything in particular planned for the day. she would probably stop by the store and pick up a few essentials, maybe go to the park and sit for a while. it was only a three-block walk, not far at all compared to the hikes she's had to do for missions.

on her way there a brightly lit cinema caught the russian's eye. she stopped in her tracks. natasha couldn't remember the last time she went to the theaters. a vague memory of her and yelena dragging melina into the theater flashed across natasha's mind.

her eyes followed the dimly lit board to see the 80s version of house on sorority row was playing. she bit her lip, finally giving in when she was greeted with the smell of freshly made popcorn. natasha was just in time too, the trailers for other movies would still be playing.

and even though natasha had a comfortable amount of confidence, she couldn't lie to herself, it did feel pretty awkward asking for one singular ticket.

human nature, she supposed.

she was quick to select a seat on the digital screen, picking the farthest one away from the screen on the outside corner of the aisle.

however, when natasha made her way into the theater, she frowned. someone else was already sitting in her selected seat. it was a dumb thing to be annoyed by, she knew that, but she needed to sit there. natasha wasn't one to shy away from confrontation either.

so the redhead made her way in front of your line of view.

"uhm can i help you?"

natasha hated that you looked so adorable as you stared at her.

"you're in my seat."

"o-oh, i'm sorry." you blushed shyly, squirming your way out of her seat and down a few spots. there was a gap of 4 chairs between the two of you. she watched as you embarrassingly made yourself comfortable in your newly selected location.

you'd never been more thankful for a nearly empty theater in your life. lucky for you, the movie began to play.

but fifteen minutes later you found yourself staring at the redhead. she looked half tense, her fingers tapped on the armrest. then you noticed her choice of clothing - a grey sweatshirt with perfectly fitted sweatpants, but not the kind you'd wear around your house. your eyes traveled to her face, and oh my god you'd never seen a woman more beautiful than her.

"i know you didn't pay to stare at me the entire time now did you?" her tone of voice was lighthearted, so you knew she wasn't being rude.

and once again, you'd embarrassed yourself in front of the woman.

"i didn't pay at all actually," you stammered. "sorry for.... staring." she nodded her head and averted her eyes back to the screen. you followed suit, this time promising yourself not to make any more awkward mistakes.

you completely missed the grin natasha had on her face. she found it kind of funny that you'd snuck in, but she couldn't really blame you. movie tickets weren't always worth the cost.

throughout the movie natasha could see you shift uncomfortably out of the corner of her eye, sometimes cringing at bloody scenes. she giggled before moving to sit next to you.

"sneak into the wrong movie?" her voice startled you causing your hand to fall over your chest. your eyes snapped down to her lips, only to be met with a smirk. "hi." you whispered softly. natasha almost instantly caught on to the fact that you didn't recognize her.

she didn't want to sound arrogant or anything, but she's an avenger. who didn't know about the group of six? nonetheless, the russian relaxed a little more knowing you wouldn't bombard her with questions.

"do you need to hold my hand?" her teasing nature and the fact that she was drop-dead gorgeous completely wrecked your brain. the mystery woman raised her eyebrow in question, clearly still waiting on your answer.

"i don't even know your name."


you nodded, "well, natasha, i'm y/n. and yes- yes, i'd like to hold your hand." she flipped the armrest up so you could be more comfortable before clasping her hand in yours. you felt warm in contrast to her cold fingertips and you took note of the softness of her skin.

neither one of you knew exactly what you were doing, but you both surprised yourselves by enjoying the other's company.

a third of the way through the movie natasha looked down to see you unknowingly leaning into her side. it was cute.

"first you're in my seat, now you're cuddling into my arm. are we on a date, y/n?"

when you realized how close you were to the complete stranger of a woman, you pushed yourself away. apologies began to spill out but natasha was quick to cut you off by cupping her hand over your mouth.

"do you plan on sneaking into any other movies today?" you shook your head, confused as to why natasha was asking you this question. "do you have any plans after this?" once again you shook your head.

you were just about to ask her why she was questioning you when she cut you off.

"then let me take you out on a date."


natasha hid her nervousness - because honestly, what the hell was she even thinking? asking a stranger to go out on a date with her?
she licked her lips, "would you like to go out- on a date with me?"

you broke out into a smile, squeezing her hand for reassurance. "yes, i would love that."

who knew such a simple mistake could result in a pretty woman taking you out on a date?

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