im nervous too

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request: For Nat could you please do something where her and the reader are on a mission and have to stay in a safe house with only one bed and reader is super nervous about it due to having a crush on Nat?

word count: 700

prns: i don't think i used anything specific but i did have female reader in mind at the time.

warnings: this was written in 2018 + not proofread + cringey writing >_<

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"You know what you're doing correct?" Steve asked for the millionth time. Natasha rolled her eyes and brought you behind her. "Yes Steve, we know what we're doing. Y/N and I have done plenty of missions before." Steve crossed his arms and straightened himself up so he was taller, "Alright, let me know if you run into any trouble."

Natasha nodded and the two of you made your way out into Natasha's car. The mission was simple: hack a very guarded computer and send the information to Tony. No explosions, guns, or civilian lives at risk. With Natasha's skillset and your computer abilities, the two of you would be just fine.

What you didn't know, was that the both of you would have to be sharing the same bed. The safe house house you were staying in only had one bed, and had you'd have know this, you probably wouldn't be here with her now.

You'd had the biggest crush on Natasha for the longest time, so sleeping in a bed with her was bound to make you a nervous wreck. It wasn't like you wanted to like Natasha, it just happened. You couldn't help but fall for her strength and beauty.

"You ready?" Natasha asked you.

"But there's only one bed?" Your nerves twisted inside you. "I don't bite." Natasha winked and you swallowed the breath you were holding in.

This was crazy. You're about to be in the same bed with Natasha Romanoff. Your mind couldn't believe it.

To make matters worse, it was a small bed. It looked like it was made for a child, you weren't even sure how the both of you could fit on it. "Yeah but it's small, don't worry I'll sleep on the floor." You offered.

"Nonsense, you're sleeping with me. Now get your cute ass up here." She smirked at you and waited for your arrival. "O-okay.."

When the two off you settled in, you moved as far away from her as you possibly could. You didn't want her to feel your body shaking of nervousness.

You'd stayed in your position for awhile, and just when you thought she was asleep, her voice filled your ears.

"I'm cold," she stated. "I can see if there's another blanket?" Your offer came out as more of a question than a statement, but she smiled nonetheless. "You're sweet, but I have a better idea."

Without warning, you felt yourself being drawn into her chest with her arms wrapped around you. "There. Now you'll keep me warm." She smiled on your neck.

Holy shit I'm in bed with Natasha Romanoff. And she's holding me.

Your thoughts were spinning and you could feel your heartbeat quicken. This is what your dreams were made of, this is all you ever wanted. "Your thoughts are so loud. What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, just tired."

She sat up and you could feel her eyes burning in the back of your head. "So sleep." She spoke in a 'duh' tone. A small laugh made its way out your lips. If only she knew.

"I can't, that's the problem." You mumbled out from your pillow.

"Ah, I see. Do you want to talk about it? Talking helps y'know." Before you could reply, you felt her move closer to your face. "I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm nervous too." You could feel her smirk from behind you.


"I like you too, Y/N. No need to be so shy, although it is pretty cute. We'll talk more in the morning." She gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and wrapped her arms back around you. Your mouth fell open in shock and you were thankful it was dark, or else you probably would've embarrassed yourself even more.

What the hell just happened? Was your last thought before you finally passed out.

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