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notes: uh. Hi? so sorry for not writing for awhile, i've had some health issues that i've had to deal with. my therapist is literally looking for inpatient facilities for me LMAOO yikes ! but yeah, not doing super well :/

i'm so sorry this took me forever to get to :( i hope it's okay.

warnings: not proofread, rusty writing, bullying :p

edit: just reread this and oh my god its so bad im so sorry

mamma!nat x adopted daughter!reader



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you knew somewhere in the back of your mind what they said to you wasn't true. you knew your mother loved you, cared about you, would do anything for you. but their words never failed to make doubt yourself and the love your mother had for you.

sure, you got some of the best grades in the school, you hardly ever went out or lied about going to parties. you never got into any kind of trouble, always doing your best to be what you thought to be expected of yourself.

but still, there was a part of you that felt like you could be better, like you weren't quite good enough to be natasha's kid.

"you alright?" your mother's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. you looked up towards your mom and smiled. "of course, why wouldn't i be?"

"i don't know, you just seem off today. i can't quite place it either, so i was just checking in."

"i'm okay, just stressed over homework." you didn't mention the fact that every day you were teased or walked over just for being the black widow's daughter. it was rather ironic to you because if natasha taught you nothing else she taught you how to defend yourself. you just never used it against other people, no matter how much you wanted to. getting in trouble didn't seem worth the hassle.

"what's going on in your world?" you questioned, redirecting the conversation elsewhere.

natasha leaned over the kitchen counter, scrunching her face as she thought. "not much. i miss having you around though, it seems like you've always got school work and i don't see you as much as i used to." she pouted, sticking out her bottom lip.

you tensed at the mention of school, although you tried not to let it show.


natasha furrowed her eyebrows. "what's wrong?"

"nothing," you rushed out. "i just remembered i have a huge test tomorrow so i'm going to go study for it!"

you snuck past natasha before she could catch you, heading straight for your room. you locked the door behind you just incase.

it wasn't your homework you were stressed over, it was the insane amount of other people's homework you felt pressured to do. you were one person doing a workload for ten.

chemistry, english, history, physics and geometry were on your get-done list for tonight.

you cracked your knuckles and sighed, finally realizing just how overwhelmed you felt. you couldn't back out now though, you'd already told everyone you'd do their work for them.

but the nagging worry that you weren't good enough for natasha crept back into your mind not long after you'd already started.

'you'll never be good enough,' you remembered your peers saying. and now you'd heard it so many times it had to be true, right?

natasha couldn't love you as much as you wished she did. you still had to prove yourself worthy of her love and you had yet to do that. and you were beginning to feel as if you never would.

the familiar pain could be felt in the back of your throat. there wasn't any delay when you started to cry.

all you ever wanted was to be enough for someone to love. you weren't enough for your birth parents, weren't enough for the many failed placements you had before, and you definitely weren't enough for those around you at school.

it was one thing to think you weren't enough for natasha, but if the words ever left her mouth it just might kill you.

a knock was made on your bedroom door and you quickly wiped away your tears before answering.


"can i come in?"

you hesitated before turning off your lamp and unlocking the door. natasha noticed the way you immediately turned your back towards her when you let her in. something was wrong and now she was determined to find out what it was.

"kinda dark in here, don't you think?" she joked.

"maybe." you mumbled, making your way back to your bed.

it was a mess. papers were strewn everywhere, pencils and pens were scattered across your blanket. you wouldn't be surprised if a few ink stains could be seen on your sheets.

you flinched when your mother turned on the lights. her worry only grew when you continued to refuse her stare.

"just have to finish up school work, sorry. um, was there something you needed?"

"you could look at me when you're talking." she spoke, voice firm enough to let you know she was serious.

your eyes finally met hers.

"sweetheart..." natasha cupped your face, wiping her thumb across the tops of your cheeks. "what's going on? talk to me, you know i'm here."

you sniffled, desperate to bite back the second wave of emotions threatening to spill.

"do you regret taking me in?"

natasha frowned, "no, not at all. you're my daughter, nothing could ever make me regret you. where is this coming from?"

you shrugged, "it's just kids at school..."

"what do they say to you?" natasha's eyes ran cold and you couldn't help but feel that it might be directed towards you.

"that i'm not enough, that you don't love me. they also force me to do their work. i'm sorry, i know i should be able to stick up for myself but-" your mother cut off your panicked rush of words.

"hey, hey, no apologizing. you have nothing to be sorry for. i love you so much, so much that i can't put it into words. and i promise you're enough, you will always, always be enough for me." natasha brought you in for a hug, letting her eyes roam the papers on your bed for names that weren't yours.

natasha kissed your forehead and brushed away the stray tears that fell down your face.

"i love you," you whispered through a shaky breath.

"i love you more, sweetheart. let's forget about school for now, okay? you won't be going back there. we'll work something out like we always do."

"mkay mom."

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