never alone

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note: i switched it up a little

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note: i switched it up a little. reader is wanda's daughter and dating nat. HS au.

warnings: ed fic

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everything unfolded right before natasha could even realize what was happening. at first, it was just going to the gym to tone up, which she didn't mind at all – although she was sure to remind you that you were beautiful just the way you were.

you lost a few pounds, went down a couple of pants sizes, and that was that. for a while anyway. you were proud of yourself. for the first time in your life, you'd felt something you couldn't quite identify, but you wanted more of it.

not just a few months later would you come to regret that train of thought. what you were battling with was no longer about losing weight. it was a need, something you couldn't go against.

natasha watched you from afar. you were sitting in class writing down something she couldn't decipher. your penmanship was heavy, bold with what appeared to be anger. her eyebrows furrowed and she reached into her pocket for her phone, sneaking it under her desk.

you felt a buzz in your pocket and you looked down to see that it was a text from natasha.

nat: hey, you alright?

pressing your thumbs against your screen, you sent her a quick text back.

yeah, i'm good.

nat: your piece of paper says otherwise.

turning your head to face her, you discreetly raised your eyebrow in her direction.

nat: don't give me that look >:(.

hush natty, i'm trying to learn.

nat: okay fair. just let me know if you need anything alright?


she didn't bother you the rest of the day, only sticking to her usual girlfriend self. soft touches and sneaky kisses were the way to go.

you met her in the hallways after school, your textbooks piled high below your chin.

"hey baby," natasha greeted, hugging you from behind. she hid her grimace as her chest met your shoulder blades.

"hello there, natty. ready to go back to my place?"

she clutched her hand into yours, "when would i not be?"

"my mom's outside in the car, lets hurry before she starts honking." natasha nodded, but not before stopping you to lighten your load of textbooks. she took all of them from you despite your protests.

"hi miss maximoff-"

"natasha, darling, it's just wanda. we talked about this." your mom smiled.

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