butterscotch baby pt. ii

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request: I just read your "Butterscotch Baby" fic and ooooohhhhhhh my GOD!! It was soooo freakin cute! And Natasha doesn't deserve what her b*tch of an ex did to her reputation! I WANNA FIGHT HER! Luckily Reader is there for her!

If you want to AND PLEASE DONT FRET IF ITS NOT IN THE BOOKS but if it's possible for a part 2? Maybe Natasha's ex pursues in tormenting her, and Reader has enough! Maybe plots a way to expose the ex like, getting her to admit and reveal what she really did and how she is out loud and reader has the school intercoms on and the whole school finds out? Reader will defend Natasha!

Again, if you want to do it! 🥰

note: i hope this was okay :(

warnings: [gasp] sharon slander. nothing against her, just had to use her as a character </3

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school was better for natasha the next few weeks. her sole focus was on you, and getting to know you better. she found that her time at school could be rather enjoyable when you were with her (which was almost all the time because you didn't want her to be alone.)

natasha's dark and gloomy days at school seemed to come to an end. she no longer really cared what people thought about the whole situation that much. as long as you were right beside her, lollipops in hand, nothing felt impossible. her grades even skyrocketed a lot in such a short amount of time, all thanks to you and your persistent nagging for her to do her homework.

wednesday afternoons quickly became natasha's favorite day of the week. you'd set up a picnic in the same grassy fields you'd initially asked her to meet you at. she'd be welcomed with something new every time. as each day passed, your attraction to one another began to grow faster than either of you could get a grip.

nearly a month after your shared rooftop experience, natasha finally strapped on a pair and asked you out. her heart nearly fell into her ass when you didn't respond to her for a solid three minutes after her question had been delivered. turns out your excitement was just a bit too much to handle, so you had to practically shut yourself down from the world. your warm lips on hers sealed the deal though, and things have been solid ever since.

today was no different from any other wednesday. natasha's firey red hair burned bright in contrast to the sun, while rays of light reflected her skin a smooth shade of honey. she was beautiful, a certain kind of beautiful you knew you'd never see again in your lifetime.

"you're staring again."

you blushed, sheepishly tucking your head in the crook of her neck. "not my fault you're so captivating..." the rise of her chest from giggling made your heart warm. "what? it's true! i stand by my statement."

she ran her fingers ran against your scalp knowing it was one of your favorite things she could do to you.

"you sure know how to make a girl feel pretty," she mumbled.

"well, it's easy when she's the prettiest girl you've ever seen before."

"is that so?"

natasha felt your head nodding against her chest and she had to wonder how she got so lucky. there was a beat of silence before either of you spoke.

"have you thought about going to the party on friday?" natasha shook her head, confirming the answer you already knew she would have.

"no, but you can go with your friend wanda, i won't mind."

"i know when you're lying, nat. i won't go if it makes you uncomfortable."

she sighed as she sat up, careful to replace the underneath of your head with her lap instead of her chest. "it's not that i'm uncomfortable with you going, i trust you not make stupid decisions. i just- i don't know..."

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