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prompt: writing a song for nat <3

warnings: written in 2019 + not proofread

prns: not specified

. . .

It wasn't planned at all. Inspiration hit you spontaneously all in one moment. The two of you were filling out paperwork and you glanced at her slightly; watching the way she bit her lip in frustration.

You moved the important work out of your way and placed a blank sheet of paper in front of you. The lyrics flowed out so quickly, you didn't even realize Natasha was calling your name.


You jumped, startled by her voice. Her eyebrows knitted together in concern, but you smiled at her.

"What's up?"

"I asked if there was anything you wanted to do this weekend now that we're almost done filling the paper out."

You shook your head no, and went back to writing. You'd finish your other stuff later.


A few days past and now you were strumming the chords on your guitar, adding a slight hum to the music. Natasha still had no idea what you were up to, and she was beginning to wonder if something was wrong. You stayed in your room all the time, barely came out to eat, and you ignored everyone who tried to stop by. You were so entranced in trying to get the song right that you didn't hear Natasha barge her way in.

"Y/N? You've been up here for days now and we're all worried about you. What are you-"

You felt yourself giggle and then you began singing while strumming the instrument. Natasha's breath hitched, causing an even bigger smile to form on your face.

You sang for another couple of minutes before you finally finished off. Natasha had sat down beside you by now and had her head rested on your shoulder.

"You wrote a song for me?"

"Mhm. Not sure that it was any good, but it just came to me and I couldn't get it out. Besides, you're too special not to have a song about you."

Natasha kissed your neck and thanked you before bringing you down with her, the two of you now laying on the floor.

"Can you play some more?"

"Anything for you, Natalia."

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