a doctor and an agent

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prompt: natasha goes to you after missions when she's injured. she hates it until she realizes she likes you

warnings: written in 2019 + not proofread

word count: 1.2k

prns: not specified

. . .

The first time she came in you were new on the job, and she wasn't very welcoming. She had a bullet in her shoulder and she was dragged to your medical room by her friend.

The first thing you noticed was her hair, then her eyes, and then how much she didn't want to be there. She gave a loud sigh and sat arms crossed, not bothered that the blood was gushing out even more.

"I'm going to need you to take off-"

"I know."

Her reply was short and clipped, making you uncomfortable just being near her. Nonetheless, you removed the bullet and stitched her up. She hopped off the bed and left without even saying thank you.

The second time Natasha came in, she had a piece of glass in her hand. It was in no way small, by the looks of it she needed minor surgery, but she refused and said she'd rather rip it out herself than go under.

You understood why. Clint accidentally let it slip one night when he came in drunk off his ass.

You carefully numbed the area and went to work, not missing a beat as you felt her silently watch you. You held back a smile and focused on her hand.

Maybe there is more to you, Widow.

The fifth time she came, she finally said something to you. And you noticed that she was much more relaxed than the first time. It wasn't completely, but it was enough to tell she was finally getting used to you being there.

"It hurts. A lot. You can fix it, right?" You turned around to see Natasha on the edge of the bed, already following the routine the two of you built.

Natasha took off her shirt and lifted it up so you could examine the injury.

"Can you lay on you back?"

"Mhm." She replied, much softer than the last few times she'd seen you. "Tough mission?" You asked. You figured by now it would be okay to make small talk.

She didn't answer though, only staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression. So many things were running through her mind at that point, she didn't even hear you.

At first she was starting to feel like she was going under all over again, and she gripped the side of the bed. You noticed her knuckles turning white and began to hum softly while stitching up the gashes on her side. It seemed to be working because after a few minutes the redhead began to relax. She then began to notice your features. Your soft eyes were determined on fixing her. Your hair was shiny and sleek, so she figured you took proper care of it - probably using the best of what you could buy. Not to mention how soft it looked to her. Natasha thought you were beautiful, and she definitely wasn't going to let that go.

"I never got your name," she spoke and you paused for a second, adjusting yourself to face her.


"Agent Romanoff, but you can call me Natasha."

"Thank you," you smiled and went back to work, not expecting anything else from her.

You'd lost count how many times she'd come to you by now, and you were well acquainted with each other. She'd even asked you on a date, to which you said yes.

Sometimes Natasha would even visit you when nothing was wrong. She just wanted to see you.
You were too busy working on paperwork to notice she had even come in. She brought lunch for you, but she wasn't quite sure how to get your attention.

Natasha awkwardly stood in the doorway for a few minutes before your attention was finally on her. You jumped a bit, but relaxed instantly when you realized it was just her.

"Maybe a little warning next time?" She nodded and smiled sheepishly, placing your lunch on your work area. There was no need to worry about dirtiness, she knew your room was the cleanest out of the whole building.

"Are you hurt at all today?"

"No. Nothing more than a paper cut." She answered, holding up her finger for you to see. You opened a drawer and pulled out a disinfectant wipe along with a band-aid.


Natasha blushed and shook her head, "It's just a small nick, no need to worry." Her replied caused you to shake your head and pull her close.

"We can't have the worlds toughest ex-assassin brought down by a little paper cut now, can we?" She shook her head and let out a small laugh, allowing you to take her hand in yours and bandage it up - this time no stitches were needed.

The two of you ate lunch in peace and then went back to work when her break was over. You gave her two kisses before she left: one on her lips and one on her small, tiny paper cut.

The worst time Natasha visited you was when she had two minor bullet wounds, a gash on her stomach, and a broken arm. You were furious to say the least. Not at her, but with her teammates. They should have protected her.

When she came in, blood all of her her body and a limp on her leg, you immediately placed her on the medical bed. You had no time to worry.


"Yeah?" Her voice was weak and broken, it was obvious she was in pain.

"I don't think I need to put you under, but I need to give you some pain medication that might make you sleepy. Is that okay?"

"I trust you."

You gave her what she needed and began fixing her wounds. The whole time you were rambling on about how a team was supposed to help and protect one another, not nearly get each other almost killed.

When Natasha woke up she had a firm cast around her arm, tied in with a sling around her neck. She tried to sit up, only to be pushed back down by your hand.

"You need to rest, Natasha."

She noticed how your voice was laced with a mixture of worry and anger. But as she listened to the sound of your footsteps as they walked to the other side of her bed, she obeyed and laid back down.

"I was so worried about you. I still am." You brushed a piece of her hair behind her face and gave her hand a tight squeeze.

"I'm okay though, I always am as long as I have you," she smiled, but it didn't comfort you very much. "Yeah but... every time you go out on the field I worry that one day I won't be able to fix you. And that scares me so much Natasha."

A small frown was placed upon her face and she moved up to grab your arm so you could lay next to her.

"No, I don't think that's a very good idea-"

"Hush. Now you listen to me," she gently demanded. "You will always have me, and I mean that. There won't be anyone else like you. Only you can fix me up so well, never worry about that. Let me comfort you this time, you're always doing that for me and I think you deserve it in return. Now relax, don't worry about hurting me. Just close your eyes and listen to the sound of my heartbeat."

And you did, but not without giving her the best kiss she'd ever had.

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