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note: every single stevenat stan i've ever interacted with has been lesbophobic as hell so fuck them and that nasty ass ship. this ones for the lesbians + lesbian nat stannies.

natasha is a lesbian!!!! go cry about it.

req: bae comfort fic w reader and nat where reader comes out as a lesbian after struggling w their sexuality for so long <333 ur so slay and ily

warnings: internalized lesbophobia, but it gets better ‹3 semi-proofread.

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most of your life you spent being jealous of everyone who could have a crush on a boy. you wanted to feel that desire to want a boy or a man. and you tried as you got older, but it only ever resulted in awkward dates and uncomfortable, half-assed makeout sessions.

being with a man never felt right to you, and it never would feel right. you knew it wasn't wrong, but it was so much easier to say you liked women than it was to accept the fact that you would never be attracted to a man.

you only told your closest friends. none of them had a problem with it, but you also knew none of them would understand the way you felt. it didn't matter if they were straight, bisexual or any other sexuality, they would never understand how isolating it is to be a lesbian. the weight of that had been on your heart for as long as you could remember.

now you were 24 living in a cheap apartment alone. life was okay, but you still struggled to accept such an important part of yourself.

bumping into natasha didn't help, especially not when you hadn't seen her since high school.

"y/n?" her green eyes scanned over your body and you blushed under her gaze.

"that's me," you mumbled shyly.

you'd always had a tiny crush on the woman, she was the very definition of the word gorgeous. all throughout high school you tried to suppress it. clearly that didn't work out too well because natasha could still make you turn into mush whenever she was around.

"i almost didn't recognize you! you've changed so much since i last saw you. not- not that it's a bad thing of course," she rushed out.

you weren't quite sure how to respond to the woman, so you just offered a small nod of the head.

"it's good seeing you, natasha."

"wait! don't go just yet. here," she reached into her back pocket to pull out her phone. "type in your number."

"i'm sorry?" you were taken back by the request.

natasha smiled, "go on, type in your number. we can meet for coffee or lunch or something. are you busy tomorrow?"

you fumbled with natasha's phone in your hands, carefully typing out each digit before triple checking for any mistakes.

"i don't think so."

natasha visibly brightened. "great. i'll text you the details, see you tomorrow y/n!"

you made you way back to your apartment with uncertainty on your mind.

it was always confusing when a girl would ask you to go out. you were never sure if they meant it in a friendly matter or as a date. every time you thought about it though, you wanted to roll your eyes at all the missed opportunities you had because they probably thought you weren't interested.

. . .

the next morning you awoke to a text from natasha.

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