four months

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note: the original prompt is below, however it did not turn out that way?¿ its kind of a mess, but fluffy i suppose. i hope it's okay.

prompt: * reader used to be poor and stuff and w/n is like "you know you don't have to get the cheapest things" and R covers it up and says "oh this is the brand i like, but w/n discovers hidden receipts and asks why they have a bunch of useless receipt and R is like "i was just tracking how much we spend...."

warnings: none? but also im using my own experience so don't think i hate poor people because i am those people </3 okay byeeee.

word count: 1.2k

prns: not specified i believe

. . .

it wasn't so much that you were homeless and out on the streets, but you weren't necessarily well off either. working as a waitress only got you far enough to pay your monthly rent and gas. somehow you managed to squeeze in a list of groceries.

every penny counted, you didn't have room for mishaps or sick days. thats why you kept your budget small and a stash full of receipts on the kitchen bar.

natasha didn't know about any of this though. you were sure she'd have you by the neck if she found out how long you'd been keeping your secret.

the redhead was generous, and no matter how many times you offered to pay for something she would never even dream of letting you. natasha insisted on it, and you were powerless to stop her.

it wasn't until you tagged along with her on a trip to the grocery store when things began to unravel. she only needed a few things, nothing important.

but nat was quick to pick up on the fact that you continuously flipped every little thing you picked up to look at the price tag.

"here, it's the cheapest one i could find." you said, smiling as you handed her a cardboard box of pasta. natasha hummed, "you know you don't have to get me the cheapest thing on the shelf."

you bit your lip, eyes suddenly looking back at the shelf of different pasta boxes. "i know... it's just- it's my favorite brand." natasha automatically knew you were lying by the way you began chewing on the inside of your lip.

she narrowed her eyes. "no it's not."


"you got this brand because it was the cheapest. you know i can afford more, which leads me to believe you do this out of habit."

you shuffled uncomfortably under her gaze. "no, i just really like that brand."

the sudden realization that she had never been to your place struck her.



"why don't we go back to your apartment after this? we can just relax, watch a movie, do whatever you want."

a mix of guilt and shame flooded your body. but damned if you didn't still give it a try.

"my apartment's a mess right now, you don't want to see that." you tried, offering a small, dry laugh in hopes of getting her off your back.

"you're a terrible liar."

"i'm not-"

"i picked you up from the park today, just like every other day. i've not once picked you up from your own apartment, so what are you hiding?"

when you didn't give an answer, she tossed the cheapest box of pasta in her cart and walked away. you groaned as you watched natasha leave before catching up to her.

natasha romanoff one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now