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*Mike Pov*

"Mikey!! No running in the house!" I shouted at my little boy, who had left over food all over his mouth..

He looked at me with a big toothless smile and waddled away, his diaper sounding like a plastic bag..I couldn't help but smile at his appearance.. He was a messy boy.

"Daddy!!" A high pitch scream came from the living room, I prepare myself for a hard hug to the knees..

Violet my little girl, came waddling out of the living room clapping her hands and chanting "Daddy" over and over again..

"How's daddy's little girl?!" I smiled.

She screamed with delight, making my ears go out for a moment. Man if I knew being a father would make me go death I would of wear ear plugs..

She slammed her body on me and tried to give me a huge. Her tiny little body almost knocked over.

"Oh good your home!" I heard my beautiful wife say.

"Yeah, talk about a hard day! Making me work over time!" I said while reaching over to kiss Kate.. Every Time I kiss her, I can't stop, I always get Sparks and it makes me the happiest man on earth..

"Eww" Mikey and Violet laughed, as they started to jump up and down.

Kate broke the kiss and smiled at me "Hard day my butt, try taking care of twins!! They are a handful!"

"That one refuses to wear clothes" she told me while pointing to Mikey, who had no pants on. "And that one screams her head off, for no reason." She pointed to Violet, who started to giggle..

It's true having twins are a handful...

"Well, it's almost time for bed anyway." I told the kids.

Mikey looked at me for a second before giving me one of his famous toothless smiles and runs away.. Violet sees what her brother dose and runs away too, but screaming her head off the entire way..

I couldn't help but laugh. "You get Mikey, I'll get Violet.." I told Kate, who already was making her way to Mikey..

Finding Violet wasn't hard, she kept giggling under my bed, plus her little feet stood out..

"Violet? Where are you?" I acted..

I walked around the room, her giggles getting louder the more closer I got to her.. Doesn't she know I can hear her?

I grabbed her feet and pulled her from out of the bed. She screams and giggles at the same time.. I start to tickle her sides, one thing is for sure my children are extremely ticklish. That came from their mother..

She started to wiggle and squirm to get away from me to hide again, but the tickles hold her back.

"Mommy!!" She laughs..

Theses where the only words our kids knew at the moment. Mommy and Daddy. They are to young to say anything else at the moment.

I picked her up, she was to exhausted to fight back..

"Sleepy now?" I joked..

I walked violet in her room. Mikey was jumping on his bed, but the moment he saw me enter the room he flipped over and threw the blankets over him and tried to act like he was sleeping..

"Good one boy." I rolled my eyes..

He giggled under the blankets..

I put Violet in bed and tucked her in, I did the same with Mikey.. Kate walked in and gave them a kiss goodnight.

"Now, no getting up like last time." I warned..

Violet smiled at me as she pulled the blankets up to her chin and snuggle with her stuff bunny..Kate walks over and turns on a Nightlight.

"Goodnight." Kate whispers, while I flick the lights off and close the door behind me.

PurpleMan's Daughter 3 (Five Nights At Freddy's)Where stories live. Discover now