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I won't be able to update for a bit. My phone bill has to be paid off, and that may take a coupe of days. So updating may be slow and late.

I am VERY sorry for not updating this... I've been having problems with this story, it's hard for me right now.. I think I have writers block right now.. :(


"Sweetie I know were you are.." Bonnie's voice was no longer friendly..

My fear had reached levels it had never reached before. That day when I saw Vincent kill that man, I had thought I had experience fear at its worse. But I was wrong, your body reacts differently when you know your about to die. Your feeling come all at once, making you sick with unwanted thoughts.

When I felt Bonnie's hand land on my foot, my world stopped. It was almost like everything went slow motion, when he pulled me from under the bed. My Brain stopped thinking, while my body went numb. My heart wanted to stop right there, so I wouldn't have to stuffer Bonnie's torment.

Maybe I was in complete shock.. Maybe I was on the break of insanity..

"Everyone has had their fun, but now you'll have fun forever. It's better this way."

Bonnie picked me up and wrapped his arms around me. His arms weren't metal, he was in his human form. But still, his arms felt strong as metal..

I did my even try to escape him. What's the point? I know I won't get far, and he knows that. I think I'll be better when I'm dead, perhaps I'll never have to experience pain when its finally over. Maybe Vincent won't want me when I'm metal and cold.

Bonnie began to walk down the hallway. His footsteps echoed, while his eyes glowed in the dark. The only thing I could hear was my cries, but soon my cries became muffled when Bonnie pressed my face into his chest. He doesn't want Freddy to hear me, but I wouldn't worry about him. He isn't even near us..

"Bonnie!! Stop please!!" Bb grabbed Bonnie's leg and tried to pull him back. Bonnie simply ignored him and continued to walk.

The hallways was soon filled with Bb's begs and my soften cries, mixed in with Bonnie's footsteps. I felt horrible for Bb. He looked up at Bonnie and me, his cartoonish eyes filled up with tears. They spilled off his face , and onto the floor. He was crying and begging harder then me and I'm the one who's getting killed.

"Please do-don't h-h-hur-hurt he-her!!" Bb's words aren't even words anymore. It's hard to understand what he's saying when he's screaming and crying.

I have accepted my fate and my body is in shock. This is for the best, at least I can die and watch daddy and mommy in heaven..

"What Is this?" A new voice joined in with all the begging and crying.

I felt Bonnie suddenly stop walking and immediately Bb stopped crying.

"Hahaha!! What do you think your doing!!!!" The strange voice sounded like it belonged to a madman.

Bonnie's grip loosened on me. Someone was scaring him, I could tell by his body tone. I pushed my face away from his massive chest and turned my head around.

A man stood in the middle of the hallway, a wide smile attached on his face. His eyes widen when he saw me, like if he has never seen a girl before. Really I shouldn't judge, my eyes widen as well. The man's skin took a slight pinkish color, while his eyes completely white like Vincent. He eyes were as white as his perfect teeth.. To he honest the only thing I could see complete clear was his eyes, making me think he was the devil.

"Your Vincent's kid" Strangely, the man put his hands on his face, while his smile took a unnatural large shape.

He eyes explored my dark purple skin, making me feel exposed and scared. It only got worse when he licked his lips.. His tongue looked inhuman and sharpe like a snake..

He open his wide mouth and let out a loud laughter, "I have been lookin for you!!"

He looked as if was about to bounce off the walls and start to sing in insanity. I suddenly want to deal with Bonnie then this guy.

Bonnie stopped moving and his eyes stopped glowing. His grip loosened more then before. I heard his systems slow down and stop.

I think he went off..

"Bonnie?" I whispered, and gently reached up to touch the side of his face.

Yes I know he is trying to kill me, but I can't stop loving him.. I can't hate him, even though he wants to put me in pain. I have to love him, I can't just forget he was once my best friend. Carefully I moved a strand of hair away from his face and tucked it in the back of his ears.

Why was he sleeping?? Did Vincent turn him off, or was it a shortage?

"Don't worry Baby Girl! He is currently in a deep sleep."

The man had sneaked up to me when I was paying attention to Bonnie. He was much closer then before. He had surprised me, I wasn't expecting him to be close.

Without wasting another minute he grabbed me, harshly... My body was jerked out of Bonnie's arms and mashed into this stranger chest. He quickly wrapped his hand around my mouth, while the other arm wrapped around my waist. His body was cold and hard, causing goosebumps grow all over my body. My body responded to his actions, by crying and shaking in fear.

"This is going to be fun!" He laughed, "Wait till I tell your daddy!!"

A sharp and unexpected pain shot in my neck, my body jerked to the sudden pain. I was quickly greeted with a wave of dizziness and sickness. That dizziness and sickness soon was followed by darkness..

"Shhh.. Don't worry!! Me and you are going to have so much fun together."

His voice was the last thing I heard..

Sorry for the choppy chapter..

PurpleMan's Daughter 3 (Five Nights At Freddy's)Where stories live. Discover now