First Day of School

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*Mike Pov*

We arrived at our Kid's school. Mikey was hopping around the back seat ready to make a break out of the car, while Violet's face was changing colors..

"Are you okay Violet?" I asked.

Her eyes left the window and met with mine.

"Yeah.." She said in a unsure voice.

I was going to comfort her but, Mikey opened the car door and flew out.

"Come on Violet!!" He giggled out of excitement.

Violet wave goodbye, before hopping out of the car and following her brother to the school.

"Don't talk to strangers!!" Kate yelled.

"Everyone there is strangers to them." I grinned.

"You know what I mean."

*Violet's POV*

After a hour of looking at a chalkboard and reading eerie stories, the teacher called for lunch.

The cafeteria was large and there was a lot of noisy kids. I looked at the food they were trying to give to kids, I'm really glad mom packed mine..

All the tables were full and I couldn't find Mikey. I stood in the middle of the cafeteria like a idiot.

I kept getting looks, kids AND teachers whispered about me and before I knew it, the whole cafeteria was silent and all eyes where on me. I felt like time had stopped for a minute, and made everything quiet.

"Look she's purple!" A girl whispers

"She's a Alien!" Other whisper "No she painted herself!"

I swallowed hard and made my way to the end of the cafeteria, hopping to find a seat to get these eyes off of me.

"Over there!!" A voice called out.

I turned around and saw a boy sitting alone. He had big glasses on and have some type of weird shirt that had lots numbers on it. But to make it more odd, he had a phone wire wrapped around his waist, he made it look like a belt.

I came and sat by him, He had the goofiest smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Dial!" Dial stuck out his hand and give me a hand shake.This boy was full of energy..

"I'm Violet ." I smiled.

"That's a pretty name." He blushes.

"So do you like numbers or something?" I asked out of curiosity.

He looked at his shirt and smiled. "No, I..umm.. Like phones!"

"Phones?" I probably looked beyond confused.

"I know it's weird, but my father likes phones and I want to be just like him!!" He said with a lot of proudness.

"It's not weird." I picked up my sandwich and took a large bite.

"You..don't think that's weird?"

I just nodded my head "No"

"Well.. I collect phones too!!" He pointed out.

"That's actually pretty cool!" That suddenly caught my attention.

Dial's face turned into confusion.
"You like that?"

"Yeah! Who wouldn't!" I put my hand under my chin and looked at him.

"Well most of the kids think it's weird, I would think someone as pretty as you would think it was weird too.." His words made my ear pick up.

He thinks I'm pretty? I tried to shake off what he said and make conversation.

"Oh well I'm not like most kids." I said while pointing at my skin.

"Yeah! I can see that!" He giggled.

I actually like Dial! I didn't think I was going to make any friends today, honestly I didn't think I was going to make it the first day.

"Can we hang during recess?" I asked him.

His eyes got wide. "I would love too, But my father is picking me up after lunch. I have a doctor appointment." He frowned and looked at the ground.

"It's okay." I must admit I'm disappointed I can't play with my new friend.

About 20 minutes later lunch was over and I made my way outside. Kids were running around or play fighting... I wanted to play with someone so I walked up to some kids, but when they saw me they walked the other way..

I got the point, no one wants to talk to a purple girl. suddenly I wanted to be alone. I noticed kids weren't playing on the sings all the way in the back..

I walk over there and sat my things on the ground before hopping on the swing. Once I got on I studied my surroundings. I could all ready tell that I wasn't going to make a lot of friends. I don't blame them, I would kinda freak out of a purple girl came to our school..if I wasn't that purple girl..

I frowned and looked at the ground, my swing slowly swaying side to side..

"Hello" suddenly a man sat down on the other swing beside me. He looked at me and smiled. His smiled showed perfect straight white teeth, he had a contagious smile. But that wasn't all... HE WAS PURPLE TOO!!

At first I could believe my eyes!! Someone is just like me and mommy!!!
I felt my jaw drop and my eyes widen.. The mans head was tilted and he still was smiling.

"Y-your just like me!" I squeaked.

Sorry if this was jumpy, I'm really sleepy and not focusing right 😂. Bye and thanks for reading!!

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