Metal HandCuffs

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*Violet Pov*

It was completely quiet, so quiet I could Freddy's rapid breathing. He suddenly looked furious. His put his hands in balls of fists and his face started to take a reddish color..

"I kill him!" He shouted.

He sudden tone of voice made me jump, and made my heart start to race.

"Your scaring the little girl." Bonnie pointed out.

He pulled me closer to him and away from Freddy. My heart skipped a couple beats, when I was that close to him. Freddy turned and looked at me. The moment I made eye contact with him, I buried my face into Bonnie. I hopped he would get the point, I didn't want to see anything at the moment...but no..

I heard him walk closer to Bonnie and bend down to face me. I still had my face mashed into Bonnie, hopping Freddy would go away.

"I didn't mean to scare you." I heard him sigh before continuing. " Your mother is a friend of ours"

Once I heard him say that I immediately pulled my head away from Bonnie and closer to Freddy. My ears picked up, and I tried to listen to everything he had to say.

"We are going to help you, but you can't be scared of us." He stood up, still making eye contact. "Your grandfather made this place, when your mother escape him and...and ran off with Mike.." He gritted his teeth with anger, when he said my Daddy's name.

I didn't say anything, I just let him continue. He shook his head, like if he was trying to get a picture out of his mind.

"First we need to remove those." Freddy pointed at my wrist, and my eyes followed.

Two giant metal rings where tightly wrapped around my wrists. They looked like handcuffs, but they weren't holding my hands together. Instead they had blinking red lights.. My skin suddenly felt sore and itchy.

What were this these? How had I not notice them before?!

I put my hand over one and tried to rip it off me. My skin screamed to be free.

"No don't do that!" Freddy suddenly reached over me and place my hand off the Metal ring. "It might trigger it." He added, while looking back at me.

"W-what do you mean?" My voice sounded weak and fragile.

Freddy sighed and looked at the ground. He was going to tell me something I wasn't going to like.

"If you tried to take it off, or leave the restaurant with them on.." He paused for a second.. "It will kill you, in a painful...painful way.."

I looked back at my wrist.. I suddenly missed the sight of my clean wrist and not cuffs. I felt trapped or a caged up dog! I can't leave! I can't go see my family and I'll die if I try! Why is my Grandfather doing this to me?!? Why is he keeping me away from my family, and caging me up in a restaurant!!

I felt my warm tear fall down my cold face. I tried to stay away from the negative thoughts and focused on being hopeful.

Won't people come to the restaurant? I'll tell them I'm trapped!! I'll show them the metal cuffs and prove it!!

But the rules.....

He said if I tried to escape he'll kill my family, without second thoughts. My GrandFather practically owns me, all he needs is a leash..

"It's going to take some time trying to get them off, but we can try.." Freddy tried to give me comforting smile, but it didn't work..

I turned to the side and snuggled closer to Bonnie, he put his arms around my body tighter and tried to make them feel like a blanket. He felt like a bed right now.. Probably the closest thing I'm going to have to a bed..

"I'm sorry..Violet.." Freddy got up and walked to the other side of the room and turned off the lights..

The darkness came back, and all you could see was the blinking red light of my metal handcuffs..

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