Older brother

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•••Thought I should remind everyone that the animatronics can turn into human forms! AND THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG BOOK!••

*Violet Pov*

"Hold daddy's hand." Vincent commanded.

We stood at the other side of the street right next to the restaurant. The road was busy and cars from different colors flew past. I've never seen the restaurant from the outside and didn't know where or what it really was.

"O-okay." I replied and let him softly grab my hand.

His skin was cold and felt very inhuman. But I should be grateful, he could try and hug me some more.

"No!" He giggled, "I have a better idea!! Get on my shoulders!!"

I felt my body turn cold and my depression worsen. That's the last thing I wanted to do... I don't want to even be near him, and now I have to ride his shoulders??

Without a warning he effortlessly pick me up and put me on his shoulders. For a moment it felt like I was falling back, so I quickly put my hands on top of his head and held on for dear life. Oddly enough his hair was soft and my fingers went right though it.

"See not that bad huh?" He smiled.

I felt really high up in the air, I never realized how tall Daddy, I-I mean Vincent was till now. When he started to walk across the road, I bounce up and down with every step. I couldn't help the childish smile that spread across my lips.

But the smile disappear when someone showed up.

"Hey Vincent!" A voice shouted, once we had crossed the road.

Daddy's head turn to the right, and his expression turned sour. A man waved at him, with a large smile on his face. Something told me Daddy didn't like this man, I don't blame him he looks off..

"I didn't know a cold bastard like you had a daughter." He teases, and looks up at me.

I looked down at him and study his appearance.

"Geez, she sure does look like you! Purple skin and all!!" He added.

I held onto daddy tighter, and landed my chin on top of his head. He had his hands on the bottom of my legs to make sure I didn't fall, and I felt his grip tighten too.

"Thanks..." Daddy mumbled. It was obvious that he didn't want to talk to him.

He looked away from the man and opened the front doors to the restaurant. The door had MANY locks on it and looked impossible to break in. He let go of my legs and reached over his head and grabbed me, and almost like if I weighed nothing he put me down into the floor, then he lightly pushed me in the restaurant.

"Umm, Vincent I actually wanted to talk to you about something.." The man spoke, "It's about your older brother."

Daddy's-I mean Vincent's- eyes widen. The look of anger and hate spread across his face.

"Violet, get inside now.." His voice suddenly turned cold, "Daddy has to have talk with this man."

I nodded slightly and followed his command. I walked into the restaurant and the moment I did the front doors slammed shut. I was immediately greeted with the coldness mixed in with the darkness. I let out a long and loud sigh..

"What do you mean he escaped??" I heard daddy shout from outside. "He can't come near me OR my family!!"

I pressed my face closer to the front doors. I knew I shouldn't, I don't wanna repeat what happened last time.

"He'll..he'll try and hurt her!! I know he will!!" He added.

Hurt who? What's going on?? Maybe if get I could hear more clear I-

"Violet!" A familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.

Before I could even turn around, my body was jerked away from the door. My arms were strongly gripped by two large hands, and the hands brought warmth into my skin. I felt my body being whipped around and my face was mashed against someone's chest..

"Bonnie?" I squealed.

I looked up at him. His purple hair was a still mess and his face was still a black empty hole.

"You can't leave like that again!! You have no idea what it's like knowing that you gone and we can't protect you!" Bonnie explained, while he buried what was left of his face into the crook of my neck.

"I'm sorry.." I choked, I've never seen this part of Bonnie and I didn't want to see it again.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked.

Yes multiple times, but I knew I couldn't say anything in fear that he might snap and hurt Vincent. I can't have Bonnie flipping out and charging at him, because something tells me Vincent knows how to fight him off.

"No... He didn't hurt me." I felt the scars on my back from the leather belt hurt when I told him lies.

Bonnie let out a big sigh of relief, and I could tell that lie put a lot of stress off of him.

"Come on, we have to tell the others your safe." He said while, moving his head away, "Don't worry I won't let Freddy touch you."

What? Freddy won't hurt me.. I feel like I was better off with Vincent. Something tells me this isn't going to go well with Bonnie and Freddy.

"He isn't going to take you away from me.." He paused, "Like he did with Kate"

Them words stab me in the heart, making me worry...

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