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Bb POV ***

"Bb please let me out.." Bonnie's voice came out soft spoken, but with a hint of anger.

I pressed my back against the basement door and listened for him to beg me some more.

"No can do!" I informed, "I have orders!!"

I felt like a soldier, That or a knight in shinning armor! I'm the one really protecting Violet, so that makes her my princess!!

I couldn't help but feel my face get warmer, at the thought of me being Violet's REAL knight in shinning armor. That could never happen tho... She's not a animatronic. She has flesh and bones, instead of metal and wires..

"Bb, so you really want to follow Freddy's every command for the rest of your life??" Bonnie asked, "Do you want Violet's life in danger?!"

He bang the metal door at the last part, making me jump.

"Ha! That's funny!!" I giggled, at his stupid remark, "Freddy and me are the ones protecting her!! You want to kill her! So once your dealt with, I'll be Violet's real hero and maybe she'll love me back!!"

I threw my metal hands over my big mouth.. That last part slipped. I didn't want anyone to know how I feel about Violet, they'll probably get mad at me.

Bonnie's chuckle was louder then his words... "That's how you feel?"

"No!!" I lied, "I didn't mean to say that!"

Bonnie saw right though my lie.. I know he did, it's hard to lie to him. And plus my words came out shaky and dry.

It's not my fault... The moment I saw her, my chest felt weird and I started to blush randomly when I was around her. That something I don't feel when I'm around humans, usually I feel hate. I'm kinda mad at her, for making me feel this way about her. Is it wrong? I'm I wrong?? What if I ruin our friendship??

"Bb.." Bonnie's voice came out once again soft, "You know you can't love her.."

My heart fell and my stomach started to hurt, almost like if someone was kicking me over and over.

"I-I know.." I choked, trying to hold back unwanted tears.

Them words where hard to say. I know I can't love her, it's impossible. But I wish I didn't know that.. I wish I could keep on thinking I could love her, without any problems.

I wish... I wish she loved me back..

"But.." Bonnie's voice snapped me back, "I can let that happen.. I can make her like you.."

My eyes widen. Was...was he trying to convince me to kill Violet?!? I could never do that!

"She'll be just like you, metal skin and all!!" He pointed out, "Then you can be with each other forever.."

He's lying!! He said he wanted her all for himself, so why would he do this for me??

"Why? Why would you want to share? Last time I check, you wanted her soul all to yourself!!" I snapped, trying to push away he thought of helping Bonnie kill Violet away.

Bonnie was silent, making me think I outsmart him.

"Maybe we can make a deal.."

Sorry for the short chapter!! Just wanted to be evil and leave you guys on a cliffhanger!! >:)

Oh and if you guys have any ideas for The Music Box please share.. I'm kinda lost with it at the moment.. XD

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