To Have Someone

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*Violet Pov*

I woke up much earlier then everyone else. My eyes still felt heavy and my body still felt warm and cozy. It made me want to go back to sleep again, but I tried and fight against the feeling. I yawned and rub my eyes, thinking that it would make me more awake.

I rested my head against Freddy's chest for a minute, before pushing myself upwards and away from his body. I yawned once more and tried to remove his large arms off of me. I was careful to not wake him up..

I fully removed his arms and tried to stand up, but I stop immediately when I heard a life threatening growl...

Before I could even think about running, he reached up and toughly rewrapped his massive arms around my small and breakable waist. He pushed me backwards, and I ended up slamming really hard into his wide chest. His arms felt like chains, invincible and cold.. I kinda once again, felt caged up.

"H-how did you know I got up??" I asked, my voice a little shaken..

I heard him chuckle to himself, and felt him start to squeeze me..

"The moment your warmth left my arms, darling" He said, with pride.

I started to wiggle and see if I could escape, but Freddy started to laugh at my failed attempts.

"Do you really think your stronger then me?" He laughed.

"A little girl, try and escape me!?" His laughter seemed to boom across the room, causing Foxy to wake up..

He open his big yellow eyes, that seemed to flicker and get brighter..

"Morning, see your up and ready!!" He smiled, before standing up and stretching his metal body.

His unearthly smile made me shiver and get goosebumps.. He is one person I wouldn't want to make enemies with, just one bite from his large mouth and your a goner!!

"M-morning..." I said, and trying to put a fake smile on my face.

Foxy turned his direction to me, and saw what Freddy was doing. He looked kinda confused at first, but soon his confusing look turned into a twisted smile again.

"Gee, Freddy it looks like you have Kate in your arms.." He pointed out.

Freddy rested his chin on top of my head, and chuckled..

"Yeah, it feels good to have someone again." He said, I heard his metal ears flick back and forth in enjoyment.

To have someone? What did he mean by that? He is still going to help me get these metalCuffs off, right? I don't know what he meant, but he seemed quite happy about it. Which made me feel uneasy, and scared..

"You can let go of her now.." A sweet, but oddly dark voice said..

I turned over and saw Bonnie still siting on the floor, looking at Freddy who still had a strong grip around my body. I heard a growl coming from Freddy's chest, it was soft so Bonnie and the others couldn't hear it, but I could...

"You do not give the commands, especially with what's mine." Freddy snapped at Bonnie, who's red eyes seemed to brighten..

"What's your?! She doesn't belong to you! You just can't own her, you didn't even give me a chance!" Bonnie shouted, which made me jump.

"How dare you speak to me like that!" Freddy let me go and got up on his feet..

Bonnie didn't say anything for a second, and a sad look appeared on his face. A heartbreaking look..

"Your just going to lose her, like you did with Kate. Give someone else a turn." Bonnie sighed, and looked at the ground.

He didn't seem mad anymore, just disappointed or desperate. But I still had no idea what they where talking about!!

Freddy open his mouth to tell him off, but was interrupted but a small knocking on the door. It made everyone go silent for a moment..

"Violet?" A voice called out, almost in a singing tone..

The voice was cold and it seemed like it belonged to a madman. Shivers and fear spread across my body when the door slowly started to open.. Making time seem like it slowed down..

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