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* Violet pov*

I woke up and felt like I was sleeping on a large and extremely comfortable bed. I moved my body around feeling my surroundings, but I was too lazy to open my eyes right now. The pillows and blankets made me warm, and seemed to make me not wanna get up.

I let out a soft little yawn, and turned my to my side and put my hands under my head. I wasn't ready to get up yet, I honestly thought I could forever sleep in this cloud like bed.

"You look so cute.." Vincent voice made my heart stop and my eyes widen.

He sat at the bottom of the bed and was looking at me, with his head slightly tilted to the side. How long has he been watching me?? He had a small smile on his face, and seemed oddly happy.

I quickly sat up in bed, and watch him. While of course wanting to keep a safe distance. Once Vincent saw that I was moving away from him, he looked frustrated and mad.

"Don't you remember what happened when you tried to get away from me?" He said and narrowed his eyes..

Yes..I couldn't forget.. I have the scars to prove it..

I looked on the bed and away from his face. I didn't want to make him anymore mad then what he is right now.

"What happened??" He asked, wanting me to learn my lesson.. "Please, refresh my memory.."

I felt little goosebumps go up my arms, remembering him beating me. My REAL Daddy never laid a hand on me. That's something I hope to never repeat. I looked at him, and noticed how he still had the same belt. It was light brown and you could see little blood stains from last time. It looked like he tried to clean it off, because I remember that belt was dripping with my blood.. He did a pretty good job on it, it ALMOST looked clean.

"Y-you" I choked.

I looked back at him and away from his belt. He smiled at me, knowing that I was starring at the weapon that he hurt me with.

"I what?" He asked, he was playing dumb perfectly..

"You beaten me.." That's all I said, and I felt my face turn red.

Vincent reached over and quickly grabbed my lower jaw, forcing me to look straight into his white eyes.

"We don't want to repeat that.. Now do we??" His voice sounded rusty..

I quickly nodded my head *No* and his smile returned on his face.

"Good, because I really don't like having to do that to you!" He still had a tight grip on my jaw, almost making tears come..

Once he let go of my jaw, I flew my hands over the pain, and started to rub the now sore area. This man is crazy, he has to be!!!

"I guess you want to know where you are.." He mentioned.

I looked around my surroundings and realized I wasn't home or in the restaurant. It confused me entirely, where exactly was I?

"You at my home. Don't worry I'll take you back to the restaurant after you heal." He informed.

This guy had a house??? I always pictured him being in a dark cage, I guess I didn't know he had a kinda normal life... Beside the fact he kidnapped a little girl and forces her to call him Daddy..

"Oh and sweetheart, don't get any ideas about escaping." I stopped looking a around the room and my eyes landed on him. He was staring right at me, with anger and hate..

"These walls are soundproof and there is nothing but woods for miles and miles away." He smirked "Noone even knows there is a house back here.."

So technically no one knows a little girl who is desperately trying to escape a abusive mad man, is right back in the neck of the woods... That's what he is really trying to tell me..

"So no trying to leave Daddy okay??" He added..

"O-o-Kay.." I stuttered..

Vincent smiled once more and reached over to hug me. His arms went completely around my body, and before I knew it my head was once again on his chest.

"You know.." He paused.. "I care a lot for you.. And the moment I knock you out from the belt, I started to freak out... I thought you might of died, and I went into tears thinking I killed you... That's something I NEVER want to do to you.."

He squeezed me tighter before continuing.

"I stayed in that hospital for 4 days crying by your side.." He started to grow little tears in his eyes.. "Seeing your lifeless body on that bed, almost killed me.."

His words put me in shock, did he really care for me?? How is that even possible!!! He never seen me in my entire life!! He knows nothing about me!!

Almost like he heard my thoughts, he smiled and his last tear fell.

"You grown up into a sweet little girl. I remember how you and your brother would have fights and you would always cry and say sorry soon after he stop yelling at you." He told me information he shouldn't know..

How long has he been watching me.. It was a question I had to find out, I couldn't let this one go.

"H-how long have you been watching me??" I bravely asked..

Vincent chuckled, making my heart pick up speed. "Since you were born.. I can still remember you as a small baby. The moment I saw your skin, I knew you were supposed to belong to me.."

My ears started to ring and I suddenly started to feel unbelievably sick. This man has been watching me this whole time and I never knew about it??

"That day when I took you from your school, I couldn't be any happier knowing you were finally with your real family.." He added, making my sickness worsen..

Right now, I actually wanted to go back to the restaurant and hide in a corner. At least there, he isn't always a around and I have Freddy...FREDDY?!! What happened to them guys!! Didn't they hear my screams for help? Something must of happened to them and now I wanted to go back to the restaurant more then anything..

"Daddy.." I spoke..

Vincent still was hugging me and didn't seem to want to let go. Even tho my skin burn and itch when he got close.

"Yes, sweetie?" His words were soft and calm, making me more brave to speak.

"Can I go back to the restaurant?" I paused for a moment. "Please?"

He Gently pulled me away from his chest and look down at me..

"Why sure, I mean it's your new home and all!!" His smiled widen and I faked a smile back..

Maybe if I acted like I'm really his daughter, He'll trust me and I'll have a chance to escape..

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