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No more schooll

Readers I need your help... I want to make another story for you guys. The one I was talking about before this, 'Purpleman's story' It's about his past life and why he snapped and kill children... The problem is I wanna make it now, because I have soo many ideas for the story and I'm afraid I'll forget it.

Should I make the story now? Or wait till another one of my stories are finished, because if I do make the story, it will take a lot of time. Causing other book updates to be slow.

Tell me what you think.. Please..

Violet's Pov*

My peaceful sleep was rudely ripped away from me. The sudden wakening made me feel grumpy and groggy, but the comfy bed begged me to sleep again. I submitted to my beds imaginary begs, and flopped my sleepy head back on the fluffy pillow. I forgot all about the noise I had woken up to in the first place, and almost immediately my eyes felt heavy and I was seconds away from a peaceful sleep.

"Violet!!" BB's voice rings in my ears, making all my senses wake up and realize trouble, "Violet, run!!! Please run!!"

I shot up from my bed, like if I just found out I was sleeping with a rattlesnake. My eyes quickly traveled at my door, that was currently closed. It wasn't the door that scared me, it was the noises behind the door.

Metal footsteps ran towards my door. They ran faster then the speed of my heart, that was pumping miles a second.

My first reaction was to open the door and see what's was going on, but my thoughts stopped me. Instead I quickly crawled under my bed. I don't know why I'm hiding, But BB's warning was pretty real. I usually don't hide when someone is running towards my door, it not a natural thing to do.

The moment my feet slipped under the bed, the sound of my door being slammed open filled my ears. I was for certain it was broken, I heard wooden sticks hit the ground and fast breathing that followed.

I smacked my hands over my mouth, in fear for making noises. A held my breath, I'm afraid my breathing might make noises as well.

"Stop please!!" BB's begging made my ears picked up, "I made a mistake!! I didn't mean to agree with you!! I wasn't thinking straight!"

The metal feet made their way to my bed, I couldn't see who it was, I could only see feet.

"Shut up!!" The voice sounded demonic and deep, "Just tell me where she went!"

He stomped his foot hard on the ground, making everything shake. His sudden movements made me jump, causing me to squeak unexpectedly.

Did he hear me!! Did they hear me!! N-no they couldn't of!! I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine!!

The feet didn't move for a moment, making me think that my faith was sealed..I was sure I was going to die a painful death. It's amazing how I was just in bed having wonderful dreams, and now I'm under my bed hiding for my life.

"Bb..." The voice growled, growing impatient, "Show me where she is! Do you not want her to be perfect like the rest of us?!?"

That's Bonnie... It had to be Bonnie.. He's the only one who really wants me dead..

The feet moved away from my vision and walk on the other side of the bed. I can't see them now, I can only hear and pray for my life.

"No, she's perfect the way she is now!!" Bb snapped back, "Why change something beautiful?"

Bb talked back, something he had never done before. I knew Bonnie didn't like that one bit.

A powerful and hateful growl echo in the room, making everything ten times worse for me.

"After I deal with Violet, I'm going to shut you up for good..."


PurpleMan's Daughter 3 (Five Nights At Freddy's)Where stories live. Discover now