Sleeping conditions

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*Bonnie Pov*

I woke up to a soft and painful cry, a cry that made my heart burn with pain.. It sounded little Violet.. I didn't want to say anything to her to make her more upset. She probably had a lot going on in her mind. She was ripped away from her family, got kidnapped by her grandfather who is a killer, and she now is chained up in a restaurant..

I feel unbelievably bad for her, she is only a little girl. And right now she might need some comfort..Who wouldn't?

I looked down at her, she still was in my old arm. She seemed to cling onto me, like if I was the last thing she would see..Her wet tears fell on my dirty and dingy fur, and it made a clean streak.

Somewhere in the back of the room I felt watch, and slowly looked up to see Freddy's glowing eyes looking at me.. He nodded his head up to the celling and pointed out a camera. The camera had a little red light on the side, exposing that it was on and someone was watching Violet. We couldn't have that, we have to keep Violet a secret and something hard to get too.

*Violet Pov*

I just couldn't hold back the tears anymore. The thought of me having to stay in this place and no longer seeing my family hurt me to my very core.. I tried to hide my cries with sniffles and little coughs, but my cries were to strong and came out full blown. And once I started to cry I couldn't stop.. I held onto Bonnie's tore up fur and tried to find comfort.. I also pressed my face closer to him, to try and muffle the sound of my cries. I didn't want anyone to wake up and see me like this..

Suddenly Bonnie's shifted to the side and much farther away from the door.. He now was laying on his side and had his long arm around me and he pulled me closer to his chest, He put his chin on top of my head and started to get completely comfortable in that position. My body was now cover in warmth, I felt like I was his personal Teddy-Bear..

"You don't need to cry, I'll make sure no one is ever going to hurt you." Bonnie whispered, making cold chills go down my back..

He shocked me when he spoke, I thought he was asleep. I felt kinda embarrassed to know someone listened to my helpless cries..

"You need to sleep, tomorrow is going to be a big day for you." He said, while he reached over and kissed my forehead, and then returning his chin on top of my head.

My face felt extremely hot, and I felt my heart picked up Pace... I felt like someone had just poured lava on me....
Bonnie started to giggle when he heard my heart pound against my chest, Which made my emotions worsen.

But somewhere in the back I heard a little growl, a growl that belonged to Freddy. I will forever remember that growl, because it's so deep and scary....

"Getting a little too comfortable?" He snapped..

My face turned redder then before, I'm only 10!! Still a kid!!

But something in the back in my head told me that he was jealous and not mad. I looked up and at Freddy and his expression showed it all, he looked jealous and mean..

He looked back at me, and suddenly a twisted smile spread across his face.. Causing me to wish I never looked at him.

"You know what? I'll sleep with Violet tonight.." He got up from his stop and walked over to Bonnie, who got up and looked at Freddy..

"I'm pretty sure she's fine." Bonnie said in a Matter-Of-Fact tone..

Freddy Grind his teeth together and narrowed his eyes..

"Move.." Freddy snarled..

Bonnie looked back at me and sighed. You could tell he didn't want to give me up...

"Very well.." He said in disappointment

Freddy's large smile returned to his face once Bonnie moved away and sat in a different corner.

Almost like he didn't want to waste time, Freddy scooped me up in his massive arms and Leaned his back against a wall, supporting his bodyweight and mine. He pulled me up to his chest and snuggle me. My eyes were wide open and I felt a little dizzy.. But I must admit, he was much warmer and smell really good. He felt like the Teddy-Bear mom gave me when I was born..So I couldn't help myself, when I snuggle back..

Suddenly a little jingle came from inside his chest, it spooked me for a second till I realized that he was doing it.. It was soft and very calming to my ears, I felt like I was home again..

I pressed my head closer to his chest to hear the beautiful sound much clearer.. His soft fur felt like a pillow, like the one I had at home.. I yawned and slowly closed my eyes, still amazed by the relaxing sound.. Before I knew it I was sleeping, something I thought I would never enjoy again...


Sorry if it's jumpy and sorry for the spelling errors. I'm just really sleepy and the neighborhood dogs won't stop barking at nothing.. So waking up for school tomorrow is going to be amazing😑.... Bye and don't forget to comment! I love to read them!!❤️❤️

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