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This book is almost to a end! Yay!! Didn't edit.

For these last couple of days, Vincent has been extra protective. He acts like a mother bear and I'm his only cud. I was okay with it for a certain amount of time, but after awhile it started to get a little extreme.

"Baby pumpkin!!" Vincent's voice boomed in the empty restaurant.

My ears picked up to the sound of his voice, like the obedient dog I am. My first reaction was to run towards him. If he called my name more then once, I'll get punished. I still remember his rules, they are burned inside my head. After I was kidnapped he has been extra strict towards the rules.

"Sorry daddy!! I'm coming!" I yell, while making my way towards him.

I heard him chuckle to himself, as my feet smacked off the hard floor. He probably thinks he broke me, and now treats me like a pet.

"What, what did you want?" I ask, half way out of breath.

Vincent looks down at me. He looked half way angry and half amused. He always makes me frustrated! I can't never read his emotions!!

"I called your name twice. One more time and I would of had to hurt you."

I shiver at his words. I couldn't image his punishment anymore. After the belt, I feel like I've been though the worst.

"I didn't hear you call me twice! I swear!!" I felt like panicking..

Vincent grabbed the bridge of his nose and looked agitated. He was obviously in a bad mood and I didn't want to get on his bad side.

"Well next time listen!" He snapped, making me slightly flinch.

He crossed his arms around his chest, and stares down at me. The feeling of being small and helpless quickly return to me. I suddenly wanted to disappear from his inhuman glance and crawl in the dark.

"I'm really sorry daddy.." I managed to speak out in bravery.

I look down at the floor, desperate to break eye contact. I heard him moving around, making my skin crawl.

Wait, What if he's reaching for his belt!! That thought echoed in my head, making me sick. My eyes widen in complete fear. I was to terrified to look up and see if that was what he really was reaching for.

"D-daddy, I am re-really sorry" i repeated, hoping to convince him not to beat me.

My body feels weak and my knees are about to give in. My heart started pounding against my chest, to the point I felt like a human drum. My body started overwhelming my emotions, and soon I felt tears spill out my eyes.

"Stop crying, I haven't done anything" Vincent's voice came out mean..

That made everything in my body crash, and leave me with nothing but my fear. Part of me screamed at me to run, while the other part told me to take it.

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" He asked, making me get off guard.

I looked up at his confused face. He didn't have a belt on, and didn't have anything in his hands to beat me with!! The world was lifted off my shoulders right then and there!!! Oh god, I can explain how good I feel right now.. I was also kinda embarrassed, I got myself all work up!!

"Oh, just sleepy." I lie.

Vincent rises his eyebrow, and looked more confused then before.

"Just be careful. Vinnie may be out there somewhere.. You never know what he has up his sleeve."

*Vinnie's Pov*

The night sky looked like a black blanket, that stretched across the world. While the air feel warm, and breathable. I couldn't help but to help happy, as I skipped to the large red House.

My knuckles banged off the white wooden door. No matter how much I told myself to keep it all in, I couldn't!! I had the biggest smirk on my face!! I just can't wait to see the looks on their faces!! I knocked again this time much louder and harder then before.

The door swings open, and revealing a broken down father. His eyes were puffy from crying, and he had bags under his sad filled eyes. It was obvious he hadn't slept in a good amount of time, or eaten. This man was skinny like a stick!! If I wasn't on a serious mission, I would be laughing my butt off!!

"Hello! I have some news abou-" my words were unexpectedly cut off, when his hands tightly wrapped around my neck.

That's when I lost it and exploded with laughter. The hate and anger in his eyes only made it worse for me. I was just tickled that his father would kill a man who almost had purple like skin! Without even asking questions!! He doesn't even care if I'm not my brother!! He wants me dead anyways!!!

"Stop laughing!!!!!" The father screams, making me go historical.

His hard grip tightens, blocking all air from my lungs. My smile widens as a choke out the next few words.

"I...I... Know where your.. Dau...daughter is.." I choke.

The fathers face changed completely, and quicker then you could say laughter, he drop me on the floor!! I gasp for air, but my laughter knock some out..

This is going to be fun!! Bet big Brother won't expect this!!!

"Speak." The fathers demands..

Something tell me, that this man is going to kill for what's rightfully his.


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