No Matter

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*Violet Pov*

He picked up my struggling body, and took me to another room. I was trying so hard to escape him, my body was going all directions just to escape his massive arms. But no matter how hard I struggled, he always had a inhuman grip around my waist.

"Let me go!!" I screamed.

He didn't say anything back to me. Heck, his twisted look on his face didn't change too. But that didn't stop me from squirming around. Well I wouldn't call it squirming, because the guy had such a tight grip on me I couldn't even move my body much!! I just used my feet to kick him in the chest and very hard. I didn't hold back, I wanted far away from him and to never come near him again.

"That's it!!" His sudden reaction made me jump.

The next thing I knew I hit the floor and hard, hard enough to make all the precious air out of my lungs escape. I reasoned to the air suddenly gone from my lungs, by loudly gasping. It happened so fast it took me awhile to realize what had happened. Did he just throw me on the ground?!

"Your making this worse on yourself!" He shouted, making my ears ring.

I slowly moved off my stomach and onto my back. My body was aching with pain now, and my vision wasn't doing so well. I started to softly cry, my body hurts so much.. He must of throw me hard and with a lot of force, because my head was bleeding. It felt like my soul was knocked out of my body..

I think when I heard the sound of a belt, my fear overpowered my pain. Horrible thoughts race in my head, making my headache much more unbearable.. My breathing picked up and more warm tears slipped out of my fear filled eyes..

"You deserve this.." He snarled, making me suddenly regret kicking him..

I felt a horrible sharp pain hit my forearm, making me scream in horrific pain.. My body wasn't expecting that, and it made me suddenly stop breathing. I didnt have time to cry over that pain, because when I went to cover my wounded arm, another excruciating sharp hit stab at my side.. Causing me to scream much louder then before.. It was obvious he was beating me with his belt, and he wasn't holding back.

"Stop!! Please!!" I cried, but was interrupted when his belt hit my stomach, making my words turn out to be screams..

I heard my dress start to rip, due to the maximum force he was putting on the belt. No matter how loud I screamed for him to stop, he would just hit me harder and harder. To the point my skin was covered in blood and my arms and legs were cover in deep gashes. So I stopped pleading, and just continued to scream and cry. It felt like hours and hours, but really it could of been minutes...

He raised his arm over his head once again, while holding the bloody belt in his hand and swung it back down like the speed of light. That's all I could remember, because the whole world went black the moment it made contract with my skin..

***so sorry for the short chapter!!**

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