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*Violet Pov*

I woke up coughing uncontrollably and trying really hard to catch my breath. I felt like I just ran for miles, with no stopping.

"Daddy?!?" Was the first thing I cried out.

I got up on my feet and turned ever Direction, to hopefully see something I knew or recognized, but my tears blurred my vision and couldn't see as much.

From what it looked like, I seemed to be in a restaurant. It was a kid friendly restaurant, and had balloons everywhere and drawings from other kids. This place seemed nice. My heart slowed down a little bit, I'm glad I didn't wake up in someone basement.. Maybe the kidnapper forgot about me? No, who would forget they kidnapped someone??

I brushed off my knees and started to find a way out, I immediately stopped when I stepped on something that almost made me slip.

I looked down and saw a little white note, that had a neatly tied red shiny bow on it. Like the ones mommy used to put on me when I was a baby. I didn't hesitate to grab it, I felt kinda bad opening something so neatly put together. The handwriting was perfectly done as well, but I still feared what it said.

"Violet, I'm sorry I had to take you away like that. I didn't want you to run away from me, like your mother did with your father. You must understand, I love you and wouldn't hurt you unless you did something to make me mad. Anyway, do you like the restaurant? You should, I own it! I reopened it just for you.. Your going to meet a lot of new friends, and have a lot of fun with them. I made them...for you.. But I should warn you, they don't like skin or hair, nails, eyes, arms, pretty much anything that a human has. So they are going to make you new! You will love it..of course it's going to be painful, but beauty hurts.. Then when they are done, I will come back and me and you can have the restaurant together! Your mother and trash of a father thought they could stop me from finding you..but I have to see my grandkids. I'm proud of you, and how smart you are. I'm sorry to tell you this, but smarts aren't going to get you out of this one. I love you and can't wait to see you soon. Just remember I'm doing this for you.."

Love- Grandaddy

I read the note over and over again, asking myself if this was real.. Soon I couldn't even read it anymore, my tears made everything seem like it was under water..

"D-daddy please help me.." I cried out to myself..

I fell on my knees and laid on the floor, not caring how hard I hit the floor. I wanted to go home and never come back to this place.

I started to cry, and really hard. I could feel my eyes get puffy and my face get hot. I felt like a baby, but honestly I was scared out of my mind. This place was dark and apparently there are "Friends" walking around, who are going to kill me in the worst way possible.

"Hello child!!!" I heard a cartoonish voice call out in dark.

I was still on the floor curled up in a ball. The voice made my eyes widen, and the tears stop for a second. I couldn't tell where the voice was coming from.

"What are you doing at Freddy's so late?" The voice said, with a robotic giggled at the end.

I lifted up my head, to see where the voice was coming from. Darkness surrounded me and the only thing that stood out, was two glowing eyes. They where big and bight green. It seemed they belong to a cartoon character.

"Child? Why are you crying?" The voice asked. "We haven't done anything yet.."

My heart stopped. The one behind the voice walk out of the shadows and exposed himself.

He was a big bright blue bunny, with red cheeks and he seemed to have a happy expression on his face. I must admit, I expected something horrible like a monster.

"No we haven't done anything...yet.." He repeated himself. His voice taking a darker turn and didn't sound as happy as before.

I couldn't move, once I figured out these were the "friends" the note said..

Sorry for spelling and grammar AND If it is jumpy :) kinda sleepy and couldn't really focus. 😊 WARNING THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG BOOK!

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