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"Sweetie pie!! Can you give your Uncle Vinnie a big kiss??" His words shook me to my core.

I was currently in a dark corner, watching this insane man talk to me. He didn't act human, more like a psychopath. I was studying him carefully, hoping that I would find a weakness of his. I honestly got nothing, but useless information. He was NOT a open book and was very hard to read. His eyes are fill with insanity, while his mood seems to change rapidly. He is always laughing randomly, and his stupid smile is painted on his face.

"What's wrong?? You don't seem happy. Is it because you miss your FAKE ASS FATHER??" The words gotten much louder later in the sentence and I flinched.

I pressed my back closer to the corner and my eyes widen on him. He like that reaction from me, and smile once again. I wanted far away from him. He was much more of a threat them Vincent was. At least Vincent wasn't nuts, well maybe a little nuts.. But not as much as him..

"Do I scare you?" His smile widen, "Baby I haven't even done anything!! Come and sit by me!!"

He patted on his lap, and responded by hiding my face into my hands. I don't know why I tried to hide in my hands, it didn't help anything! He could still see me, just my my face..

I heard him get up and walk toward me. He let out a loud sigh as his hands grabbed me and lifted me in the air. I didn't expect him to be so close so fast, so a let out a unexpected whimper when I felt his hands around me. He sat down and I landed on his lap, I still had my hand pressed against my eyes. I felt comfort in not seeing anything but darkness.

"Come on!! Take your hands away from your pretty face!" He said, while taking my hands away.

My face felt cold, and the trails of tears became cold. I'm sure I looked like a mess. My face was red and my eyes puffy from unwanted cold tears, with a hit of messy hair. Vinnie gently moves the hair out of my face and moved it behind my ear. His fingertips felt unbelievable icy on my skin, to the point I started to shiver.

"L-Let me g-go please...please...." I whimpered.

He bit his lip hard and looked at me, once again I felt uncomfortable and endangered.

"Why would I do that baby girl? I'm sure your daddy is going to be here soon, and besides I'm having fun with you!!" He giggled.

I wanted to hide, and take cover from all of this and never come back. When would Vincent come back and save me??! Dose he even care about me, dose he love me like he said he did?

Vinnie played with my hair, as I sat paralyzed in his lap. He even began to hum, trying to comfort me..

"Tell you what, if your daddy doesn't come, I'll help you get rid of these things." Vinnie said, while grabbing my hand and tugging my fingers..

My fingers?!? He's going to cut my fingers off!!

"They don't look good on you. They actually remind me of this one little girl who had the most ugliest fingers! I did her favor and got rid of them, it's seems you need the same treatment."

I pulled my hand away from him and quickly tried to leave his lap. But before I could even try, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pinned me back into his chest.

"Maybe I can just take the whole hand.." He whispered to himself.

He wasn't even talking to me, he was talking to himself about how to kill me!! I wanted to wiggles and thrash around, hoping to get off of him..

"Stop!!" I cry..

The moment them words escape my lips, the front doors burst open with great force. Only a pair of white eyes could be seen in the darkness, but luckily me I knew them eyes.

"GET OFF OF HER!!" He stormed out of the dark, exposing himself to us.

He looked beyond pissed, you could probably see the rage coming off of him!! His eyes narrow and his mouth wasn't a smile, which is a shocker..

"To your information, I'm not even on her." Vinnie rolled his eyes

Vinnie puts me on the ground and walks up to Vincent with open arms. He looked happy and I knew that wasn't right.

"It's so good to see you, big brother!! I see you have your own pet." Vinnie looked back at me and smiled.

Vincent walks up to his brother. His hands were in fist, while he grinds his teeth together. I saw Vincent muscle in his arms pop out from anger..... He looked like a freaking body builder at the moment..

"How dare you take my daughter from me.." He growl, hearing him talk was like a lion about to attack.

Vincent continue to walk up to his brother, his anger grew as the closer he got to him. But Vinnie stood there with a large smile, and open arms waiting for a hug.

I think we all saw this coming when Vincent flew a punch toward Vinnie's face, hard. So hard I think everything started to vibrate. The smile was knocked off his face, as he hit the ground hard.

I was for sure that Vincent was going to mash him in the face again , but he walked right past him and towards me. At first I thought I wasn't seeing this straight, but he ends up picking me up and checking if I'm okay..

"You okay? Did he hurt you?!" He asked, while examining my body and face. Instead of anger, he was filled with worry and pain.

"What the actual fuck.." Vinnie growled as rubbing his now bloody face.

Vincent simply ignored him and continue to see if I was okay. He kept lifting up my arms and looking for cuts and bruises.

"D-daddy!!" I cried and wrapped my arms around him, I just needed some comfort right now... That's all I need at the moment..

I started to cry in his shoulder, as he began to rub the back of my head. I'm sure he expected me to cry, how could I not cry at a moment like this!?

"It's okay daddy's here." He said, while walking towards the exit.

He left his brother in the back, bloody and bruised. It funny because, he did of without thinking twice.

"This isn't over Vincent! Just because your stronger, won't mean you'll defeat me!!" His voice echo down the hall as me and Vincent left the building.

PurpleMan's Daughter 3 (Five Nights At Freddy's)Where stories live. Discover now