Rules Of Love

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Violet POV

Once the heavy and noisy door open, it revealed the man who kidnapped me. His purple skin seemed darker in the dim light, but his white eyes glowed.. He had a large and wide smile on his face, showing off all his perfect white teeth. You wanna know the sick part, his smile was still contagious. But I didn't smile back, I pulled my knees to my chest and put my hands over my eyes. I didn't want to take another look at him..

"Sweetie, don't be scared of me!" He said, with a bit of humor in his voice.

I heard a very familiar growl, that painfully pierced my ears with fear. Heavy metal feet suddenly spring into action, along with several growls. But none was louder then Freddys..

But from all the noises I heard a soft chuckle, a sick twisted chuckle.. It didn't sound like any noise I have ever heard before..

"Kill me and I drag her down with me." The man said in a firm voice.

I slowly peaked at the man, he had something in his hands and it was pointed it me. It wasn't a gun, or a knife. More like a little metal box, that had some buttons on it.. I looked at the other animatronics. There eyes were wide open, and nobody moved, but of course you could still hear Freddy's growls and snarls..

The purple man titled his head to the side and looked at me, his smile widen with delight..

"I came to give you some rules, nothing too big.." He said, while walking up to me.

Freddy was just about to jump on him, till Foxy pulled him back and shook his head *No* I could hear Freddy's fast breathing and could see the worry And anger in his eyes..

Once the man got closer to me, he sat on his knees and moved his face closer to me. I still had my hands covering my face, preying he would go away.. Once again he chuckled, and I felt his cold hands grab mine. He slowly pulled them away from my face, but once he had them completely off, he still had a tight grip on them..

"Darling, you look beautiful. Don't hide your face from me." He smiled at me, while little and cold tears fell off my cheeks.

I looked deep in his white eyes, and felt completely uncomfortable..

"Now, I have some rules you need to follow.." His smile disappeared and it was replace with mean and firm look.

"Listen, I'm not going to repeat myself or you will really understand the meaning of pain." His eyes narrowed with hate.

My ears picked up, I didn't want to miss a word he had to say. In fear it might just lead to my death..

"Rule 1, You will call me Daddy." He informed me, with great pride..

"Rule 2. When I call out your name, you come to me right away. If I have to say you name more then three time.." He paused for a moment, and giggles. "I will have no problem beating you senseless."

"Rule 3, do NOT lie to me. I will find out if you did.." His grip on my hands tighten, making pain grow up my arms..

"Rule 4, DO NOT disobey me or talk back. You will do what I say, weather you like it or not."

Bonnie's growls started to get louder and louder the more, this man held on to me.

"Rule 5, when I take you out sometimes, don't tell anyone I stole you. It's not like anyone is going to believe you! Look at us, we look exactly alike!!" He stated..

He got up to his feet and pulled me up with him, my legs felt numb and I couldn't move them..

"Last one, remember you belong to me, your MY child." He said very cheerfully.

I felt more cold ice tears fall down my face, I didn't want to call this man Daddy. He wasn't my father, and my really daddy would never hurt me..

"Now, what do you call me?" He asked, and looked down at me..

He so desperately wanted me to call him Daddy, I could it in his bright white eyes.. But I didn't say anything, I was to scared and I felt like I would be betraying my real daddy if I did.

I could see he was growing inpatient with me. I looked at the ground, and I felt his stare burn on me.. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be home with my real daddy..

Suddenly I heard him lift up his right hand and when I lifted up my head to see why, a horrific pain stab at my cheek, making my whole face numb. He wasn't done with that, I felt him grab the top part of my shirt and pulled me up to his face. My feet where no longer touching the ground and I was forcibly starring at him.. My tears fell on my red cheek, making the pain much worst.

"What do you call me!!" He shouted with anger.

He looked like he was about to throw me across the room, But instead he lifted up on of his hands and hit me in the face again. My face felt hot with pain flowing all around. I started to taste and feel blood coming from a nosebleed and the deep gashes on my face.

He began to lifted up another hand to hit me once more. I knew I couldn't take another hit, I would probably just choke on my own blood..

"Daddy!! Daddy!!" I screamed..

His smile returned to his face, and he put his hand back down. He seemed like nothing had happen.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" He said, while laying my body on the cold floor.

I didn't stand up, I just laid on the floor and started to cry. My face felt like it was on fire and I had a horrible headache now. Two yellow soft arms reach out to me, and pulled me back into their chest. I felt like I was laying on a bunch of feathers, and i soon figured who it was. Chica had me in her arms, and snuggled with me like if I was her baby.

"Till next time, sweetie!" The man, or Daddy smirked at me. "I love you!" Then he walked out of the room, leaving me a bloody mess.

The moment he left, everyone was hovering over me.

"I'm so sorry!" Chica softly cried..

Bonnie looked worry and Freddy looked furious.. Almost like he was about to blow a hole in the wall..

"You are a strong little girl." Foxy's robotic voice, seemed to stand out from everyone else.

I felt sleepy and light headed, and soon I just ended falling to sleepy with Freddy in the background yelling and cursing..

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