You Want To Kill Me?

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Bonnie pull my arm and he quickly rushed to the others, making my arm feel sore..

"Bonnie, maybe this isn't the best of ideas.." I pointed out.

It wasn't the best idea. I knew Freddy was angry with me for running off without him. Bonnie didn't look at me, he kept his eyes in front of him.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, "We all were worried sick about you!! The others must know your okay."

I kept my mouth shut. Maybe Freddy won't be angry, just worried about me. I don't think Freddy would yell at me, he doesn't seem like the yelling type.

"I'm glad your back.." Bonnie mumbled, "We kinda don't want you to leave."

Bonnie's hand made a large noise, when it made contact with the metal door.

"Look who's back!!" He said cheerfully, while he lightly pushed me inside and slammed the door close behind him.

"Violet!!" A very familiar voice called out to me.

My ears seem to grow warm to hear the sound of someone I knew and cared about..

Immediately without a another second my body with ripped off the ground, and mashed into someone's torso. The sudden movements made me gasp in shock.

But once I gasped in the air I needed, I held onto it. I felt like I was being squeeze alive... The arms that tightly wrapped around my body, seemed to squeeze tighter and tighter by every second. I couldn't help the whimpers of discomfort to escape my lips.

"Freddy, your hurting her!" Chica snapped.

I heard and felt the growl in Freddy's chest. The inhuman growl rumbled inside of him, making me feel more uncomfortable.

"That's the point.." He said, with anger hiding in his words.

I let out another gasp for air, but none enter my lungs. My face felt hot and my body started to shake, showing how much I craved for air. It's a horrible feeling, not being able to breath and you feel your lungs about to burst.

"That's it!!" Someone roared..

I felt two large metal hands grab my shoulders, and ripped my fragile body away from Freddy. The moment I felt his strong arms unwrap around me, I gasped in so much air. Restoring my lungs in the normal stage..Bonnie had me in his hands, and he carefully help me breath in more air.

"Breath.." He whispered to me, "It's okay.."

His calming words made my body shake less, and my thoughts stopped panicking.

"That wasn't smart Bonnie.." Freddy's voice made me flinch.

Freddy stood strong and look like he was ready for a fight. His hands where in balls of fist and his was grinding his teeth together. He looked like a giant, and his muscular metal arms didn't help my fear.

"Foxy.. Hold Violet." Bonnie's asked, still making eye contact with Freddy.

Bonnie carefully dropped me into Foxy's arms. Foxy was careful and tried to keep his hook away from my tender skin.

"You wanna fight, big bear??" Bonnie's voice came out dark and much deeper, making me try to press against Foxy closer.

Freddy let out another growl, showing he was ready for anything.

"Was that a threat?" He smirk, his voice as well took a darker turn.

"Guys!! Come on!!" Chica interrupted, "Stop, not in front of a child!"

PurpleMan's Daughter 3 (Five Nights At Freddy's)Where stories live. Discover now