Don't Be Scared

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*Violets Pov*

The dark bear open a big steel looking door, that made a horrible screeching noise. The room was completely dark and I couldn't see a thing, till he carelessly flipped on a light that was on the side wall. The bright light chased the darkness away, and Allowed me to see the room completely.

I wasn't impressed. The room looked scarier with the lights on. I started to have second thoughts about following this guy back here. But before I could even turn around, a large cold hand landed on my back and pushed me forward into the room. I heard the horrific noisy door close behind me..

"Freddy? Is that-"I heard a deep voice in the back say.

"Yes.." Freddy replied to the voice..

I turned around to face Freddy, of course that means having to look all the way up as well.. He looked back at me, he didn't seem evil or mad. Just disappointed and sad, with a hint of happiness..

"Don't be scared when I show you my friends okay?" Freddy asked me..

I just nodded my head "yes" and looked back down.

"Look back at me.." Freddy said, not in a firm voice.

I didn't want to disobey him, in fear he might get mad and hurt me. So naturally, I quickly looked back at him.

But this time I didn't see Freddy, I saw a man with bear like features.. I felt my jaw drop and my eyes widen.. Suddenly I didn't want to be around him anymore.. I thought about taking a few steps away from him, and tried to get a good distance from him.

But it was like he read my mind, he grabbed my forearm and kept me closer to him. It felt comfortable to feel warm skin and not hard cold metal... But I knew better then to get comfortable around him, he could kill me if he wanted too..

"Hi there.." Suddenly a man walked out of the shadows and exposed himself.

The moment I saw him I shut my eyes, but the image of a mangle up man was still in my head. For more protection I put my hands over my eyes and tried to block out everything, and live in the darkness... I started to breath faster, and I wanted to go home more now..

"It's okay, I'm not going to harm you.." The dark voice seemed to shake..

I didn't do anything, I still had my hands over my eyes and I held on Freddy really tight. Like if I was going to fly away and had to hold him to stay on the ground..

"What's you name, lad?" A more rusty like voice asked...

"I bet it's really pretty.." A cheerful but slightly worried female voice said..

"It's Violet.." I stuttered.. My hands was slowly remove from my eyes.. When I open them I saw 3 monsters standing near me and smiling..

One was a female, her jaw looked like it was ripped open and now permanently hangs open. Exposing bits of meat, and muscle, and out of place teeth.. Her blonde hair was mangle and dirty, with was seemed like dirt and blood mix together..
Another one, had very long messy red hair, he has a rusty old hook for a hand, laying under his chin and his teeth took up most room in his mouth. Making his smile terrible... He had a eye patch, that also looked dirty and it seemed like it was going to fall of at any moment..

But the worst one was a faceless monster... He had purple ears that came of of his messy and mangled hair. He looked like he just got out of a horrible battle, his right arm was missing and only bloody wires came out.. But his face was the worst, because he didn't have a face. I could only see what was left of his jaw and two red glowing lights of eye.. Everything else was completely dark and seemed empty..

These are his "Old Friends"?

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