Chapter Whatever

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My darn charger broke again.. It's on 40% and I'm going to spend the rest of my battery writing this story! So be prepared!!!!!!

*PurpleMans Pov*

Darkness seemed like it wasn't on my side. Even though the dark covered  the whole restaurant I still seemed visible to the naked eye, almost like if I was standing in the middle of the sunlight.  One thing was for sure, that I didn't like it. My footsteps made louder sounds then normal, while my breathing took a heavy turn. This wasn't like me. Usually I'm always sneaky and my body fits perfectly in the dark, but sadly this was different. I feel like eyes watch my every move and took in my every breath. I knew to trust my instincts to get me thought this, they never failed me before.

"Who's there!" I shout towards the dark.

I expected the darkness to grow a face or at least talk back, but once again I knew better. Whoever was watching me, wasn't as slick as the dark.

"Geez bro! You look scary!"

A familiar and annoying voice spoke. The sudden words almost made me jump, but I didn't want to look weak in front of my young brother.  He needs to know who's the strongest.

His pinkish face peers out of the dark. He flashes me one of his smiles to show off his perfect teeth. Of course I wanted to knock them teeth down his throat.

"Your not welcome here! Leave!" I command, not wanting him to kidnap Violet again.

At this time he slowly walks completely out of the shadows, exposing his black suit. He looked ready for a funeral, but his smile told me he was ready for a ass kicking.

"I'm not allowed to see my own brother's death?! How shameful!" He fake pouts and pushes out his lower lips for more effect.

I raise my eyebrow and give him the 'Are you serious' look. He responds buy looking at his hands and back at me, still keeping a wide smile.

"Get out, now.." I sigh, not wanting to get in a fight with Violet in the back.

He opens his mouth widely ready to speak, but I know by now what he says is meaningless. But shockingly he doesn't speak, instead he casually looks at his watch and smiles

"I'm sure Violet loves family reunions." His words came out slow to me, but once I saw the small smirk behind them words I knew what he meant.

*Violet  Pov.*

Bb let's out a long and slow yawn. He quickly tries to cover it up with his hand, but fails horribly. The yawn is all ready out and it was extremely loud.

"Silly billy!" I smile.

He smiled back at me, but still tries to keep his cool side on. I roll my eyes and sit on the floor waiting for daddy to be done doing what ever he was doing.

For some odd reason I missed him. I know he just left awhile ago, but still I can't help that my heart feels heavy. My glance turns to the floor and I start to think deeply about daddy and why I miss him so much.

"Can you go find daddy?" I ask shyly.

Bb turns around to look at me. I think he could tell I looked sad, but it wasn't enough for him to listen.

"No silly! I can't leave you!" He speaks cheerly.

I look back at the floor kinda disappointed. I thought he actually would help me, but once again I was horribly wrong. I let out a long and noticeably sigh.

I hear the slight bing that he makes when his metal hands hit his hips. I internally rolled my eyes at him. I wasn't in the mood for a argument.

"Don't look all down. I hate seeing u like that" His words are worrisome.

His knees hit the hard ground, trying to level with me. I tried to ignore him by starring at the ground, but he took me by shock when he cups his cold hands around my face.

"Fine I'll go look for him.."


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