Uncle Vinnie

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Hello, I'm using a dumb computer, but I'm able to update!!! Anyway I wanted to give a shout out to my oldest sister and her story 'Legend of The Selkie Folk' Yeah she is TEN times better then me, and I'm sure you guys will love her.

My head was thumping with unbearable pain, while my eyes felt glue shut. I couldn't help but moan with discomfort.

"Come on, Wake up!" A voice called out it seemed shaky with insanity..

My eyes still felt like rocks and the last thing I wanted to do was talk and move. My body felt comfortable like if it was laying on a cloud, but my heart wouldn't stop racing.

"Daddy?" I called out, hoping it was him.

The only reason I was hoping it was him, because I knew he wouldn't really kill me unless I did something terrible.

"Don't pull that daddy shit on me. I know your acting for him, but you don't have to act anymore."

The voice had cause my eyes to open by themselves, making the room exposed to me. The room I was in was dark and extremely damp. But it wasn't the room that truly scared me, it was the man who's face was right up against mine.

"W-who are you" My eyes widen in fear, while my body started to shake.

The man smile once again, and watched me carefully. One thing was for sure, was his skin was a slight pinkish color, making me confused.

"Well pumpkin, I'm your Uncle Vinnie!" He informed me, "And your my beautiful niece, who my brother decides to keep away from me."

He growl at the last sentence, making me shiver.

"I'm sure, your 'Father' will find us, it's only a matter of time."

He seemed almost disappointed when he said that. He got farther away from my face, and flop onto a near by chair. He groan inside of the chair, and started to look like a child.

"It's not fair really!! I wanted to play with you, but we don't have much time." He flipped around in the chair and faced towards me.

"I was really hoping you were older, I wanted to make you my wife.." He frowned, "But that's off the table."

What!!?? Doesn't he know I'm his niece? That would be highly impossible and wrong!! What is wrong with Vincent's side of the family? One wants to make me his daughter, while the other wanted to make me his wife! The only thing I can do, is thank god I'm WAY to young for Vinnie. I haven't even hit my teenage years!

"But... At least I get to see my dear old Big brother!! I'm sure you two are close. Tell me, is he more hot headed then ever??" He smirked at the last part.

His eyes traveled down my scarred arms and his smirk turned into a large smile. He already knew the answer, he just wanted to make me uncomfortable. Vincent beating me with a belt was the only thing I could think about. He had permanently scarred me for life, I can only imagine what my back looks like.

Vinnie put his hand under his chin and watch me.

"I can't wait to be part of your family. Something tells me you and I are going to have a lot of differences, but we can fix that." His words scared me.

What did he mean by that? I really don't think I should find out, and I hope I never do.

"I am pissed off Vincent left me in prison and then decides to make a family without me." His jaw tighten..

I didn't know how to respond to him. How could I? It's impossible!!


That's all folks!!! I'm really sorry for the crappy chapter, but it's all I have right now!!

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