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This is jumpy! Cause my phone isn't charging again and I want to get to the end soon!!! Didn't edit

BB looked at me one last time, with his sinful eyes. My heart felt darken by his reaction to my quest of him. Maybe it was wrong sending him out, or perhaps it was the right thing. To be completely honest I had no idea what I gotten him into.

It didn't take long for me to realize I was alone. Usually this scared me, but for some reason I didn't feel any fear or hate for the darkness.

Instead I felt numb and cold in my heart and head....

This was a feeling not even I was use too. Maybe daddy had this feeling more then I had, or I'm just going crazy.

About 10 seconds later, all I could hear was my breathing. My unsettle uneven breathing, and it wasn't helping my current situation. It made me feel panicky and strangely sick in the stomach.

I lean up against a wall and slide down, causing my knees to press against my chest. Afterwards I let out a long and depressing sigh, making it louder then it needed to be.

But my sigh was cut short when a voice call out my name, and was shortly followed by the door opening.

"V-Violet?" The voice was shaky and rusty, making my ears pick up to the sound.

I stand on my feet and watch the door carefully, as it slowly opened. My eyes couldn't be anymore wider, and my senses couldn't be anymore awaken.

"Hello? Daddy?"

My voice was like a unwanted trigger, for the person behind the wooden door. The door flew open causing wind to hit my face and my hair to blow past my shoulders. The sudden light from the outside, made my eyes blind. I quickly tried to rub them, easily making the pain go away.

But before I could regain my vision, something hard wrapped around my body, pulling me to what felt like a wall.

A yelp escaped my soft lips as the strong force squeezes me hard.

"Shhh!!! Daddy's here!!" The sound of sobs and cries enter my ears.

This wasn't the sound of my daddy, he never cried or whimpered next to me. I don't think he would ever show weakness in front of me, unless I fallen sick.

I lightly open my sore eyes to meet my strange attacker. Instead of seeing a Buffy strong man, he looked skinny and broken. It was truly a hard sight to look at, but it makes you wonder what he had gone though and what his story is. He mashed my face against his chest, that I had mistaken for a wall before. His Boney figure did feel like a hard wall, but yet his heart sounded softer then a pillow.

"I'm so sorry, daddy wasn't here.. I'm so sorry" he cries softly into the top of my head, where he continued to cry.

His skin was warm and he smell sweet. For some reason I wanted to stay next to this man for a long time. He made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time.

"Excuse me s-sir?" It felt wrong to call him sir..

He looks down at me, his brown eyes filled with sorrowful tears. I look back at him, sure that my eyes were replaced with pain and insanity.

"Can I help you?" I speak softly....

He stops and stares and for several moments I hear nothing. Not even his heavy breathing... A heart beating fast was the only faint sound I could actually hear. It was my heart, I feared that I had gotten the man angry at my shameful actions.

"Violet." He finally speaks "Baby, it's me.. Your daddy"

His words where confusing to me and frankly I didn't understand them at all.

"But daddy's outside, taking care of business.." I state, hoping that he would understand he mistaken me for someone else.

"No Violet! Don't talk like this! Your scaring me!" His words panicked.

I flinch a little, not wanting him to yell. But yet I oddly wanted him to yell at me, thinking I had done something wrong.

"I'm so sorry, I don't understand. Who are you?" I ask Calmly.

His face turns white and his body begins to shake. He acted like I had turned into a demon right in front of him, but one thing was for sure... I didn't like this feeling I was having over him.

"Sweetie.. I know you don't understand. Your permanently scarred for what this man has done to you. You don't know me now but I know you will soon.." He looks at me deeply "It's time to go home..."

I look back at him and smile. Maybe this man wasn't as crazy as I thought, maybe I was the crazy one..

"This is her home... Now get your hands off of her." A voice made me shiver and my chest burn with regret.

Daddy snapped open a wide door and stared straight down me.

He wasn't happy and nether was the man who had been hugging me...

PurpleMan's Daughter 3 (Five Nights At Freddy's)Where stories live. Discover now