I've Gone Crazy, Daddy

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You guys like the new cover!! Cause I do!! Oh and this is just a fun chapter!! Didn't edit! I WILL UPDATE THE MUSIC BOX TOMORROW OR TONIGHT!!

"Chica??" I begged for the hundredth time, "Please let me see him!!"

"No!" She snapped, while pulling my hair into a ponytail. "He said he'll kill you the moment he saw you!!"

After Bonnie said he wanted to kill me, Freddy threw him in the basement, with Foxy's help. I heard he put up a hard fight and Freddy couldn't do it alone, causing Foxy to join in. But I knew Bonnie didn't mean what he said, I just know it!! He would never hurt me!!

"I miss him.." I weakly whimpered.

Chica let out a loud and long sigh of worry, but I knew she wouldn't cave into me. "Freddy said no, and no means no."

I got up from her lap and walked off into the hallway. She called my name a couple times, but I kept walking. I needed some time alone with my thoughts.. I haven't gotten a second of being alone lately. BB always wants to play and Freddy always making sure I'm okay, and now we have Chica who treats me like a baby. I'm sure if Bonnie was still around, he would be wanting to do something to me too...

I was only halfway down the hallway, when I heard something metal bang off of a stone. I almost missed the sound, I too was deep into thought.

"Come on..." Someone mumble in frustration.

That voice immediately sounded familiar at me, and it didn't take me long to realize who it was.

"Daddy!" I shouted and quickly followed the noises.

He was laying on the floor, while looking up trying to fix something. His dark purple Night Guard outfit blended perfectly in the darkness, almost making me miss him.

I didn't hesitate to jump on his valuable stomach, and let out a heap of giggles while I tried to tickle him. Now noticed how I said 'Tried'..

He responded to my surprise attack, by quickly and softly flipping me off of him. Once I realized I was on the floor, I knew to prepare myself for the surprise tickles.

"Nice try!" He giggles.

Without a second later his hands snaked around my back and on my sides, the most ticklish spot in the world.

"Wait!!" I desperately called out, but my giggled didn't make it seem so desperate.

He began to tickle me, ignoring my begs and screams of unwanted laughter.

"Y-you.. *Screams of laughter* YOU WIN!!" I finally choked out.

"But we just started!! And your the one who started it!!" He fake pouted.

He effortlessly pulled me up and sat me on his lap, I lend my back onto his chest and let him wrap his arms around my body. My body took in his warmth, making me snuggle closer to him. He lowers his face next to my ear, making me giggle when his little beard brushes me.

"You know I love you, right?" He asked, making me smile.

"Yeah, I love you more tho." I pointed out, and jollying poked his stomach.

"That's impossible, my love.." His silly comeback made me smile more.

I noticed how he had tools and other medical things here, so I couldn't help looking around. It look like he was trying to fix something metal that stood by the wall. It was currently making a humming noise..

"What exactly are you doing??" I pointed to the sliver tool, that laid perfectly on the floor.

Daddy took his eyes off me and then traveled them ahead of him. He let out a little sigh, when he noticed what I was pointing at.

"Daddy's currently trying to fix the heater, so you'll be warm at night." He frowned, "But it's harder then it looks."

I didn't know anything about fixing things, so I wouldn't know how to relate to his problem. But it didn't stop me from trying to help him.

"I'll help you!" I leaped from his lap and grabbed the nearest tool near me, "I-I'll take this thing and...umm.. Hook it to this??"

I heard him chuckle to himself before he got up on his feet.

"No, I don't want you to hurt your self." He gently grab the strange tool from my hand and sat it on top of the heater, making sure I couldn't get it.

"I have to put this tools away, don't want you getting in them." He said while picking up more of the tools off the ground.

I sat on the floor and watched him pick them all up.

"This would go by faster if you let me help you." I said while playing with the ends of my dress.

Daddy stop picking up the tools and looked up at me. "You know what? Isn't time for bed?"

I shook my head faster then a speeding bullet.

"Yeah, I think it is. Matter a fact, it's way past your bed time."

He put the tools on top of the heater and walk toward me. I sat firmly on the ground, trying to make it impossible to move me.

"Nice try sweetest." He said, while he effortlessly picked me up from the ground and pulled me up to his chest.

"But I'm not sleepy!" I explained, hoping he'll let me go.

"Yes you are, you just don't know it yet."

He started walking down the hallway and into a backroom. He carried me like if I was a toddler and was in desperate need for him. As much as I didn't want to go to sleep, I didn't want to leave his arms..

*Purple Man's Pov*

Not sleepy, what a lie. The moment I laid her on a bed she was out like a light. I tucked her and and gave her a kiss on the forehead, before I flip the lights off and left the room. I almost didn't leave the room, she looked peaceful sleeping.

Just like her mother..

But we don't need her or mike.. All Violet needs is me. This time I'm not going to let my daughter get token away, and it definitely won't be Mike.

I've been trying to remove all the T.Vs in the restaurant. It's all about Violet going missing, and Mike looking for her. Why would Mike even be looking for her?? I'm her father, not him. So he can look all he wants, but I know he won't find her. And if he dose I'll kill him this time.

But beside that, everything is working out for me. It seems like Violet finally figured out I'm her father. I can't explain how happy I am, knowing that she knows we're family. I promise I won't let Mike or any other filthy man take her away..

She'll be mine.. And we'll be happy.. We'll be one big family... The family I always wanted..

But I won't lose this one..

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