So Soon

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*Violet Pov*

I woke up to the taste of blood. My mouth felt dry and my stomach felt unbelievable empty. I slowly open my eyes, and viewed around the room. The door was wide open and lights were on, throughout the whole restaurant. I still felt something fuzzy and warm around my body. And I was shocked when I saw Bonny sleeping next to me, honestly I thought Freddy would of been be side me.

I removed his arms, being careful not to wake him up. Once I got out of his massive strong arms, I walked out of the room and made my way down the hallway. My stomach let out a horrific growl, I felt like I could eat a cow!

I didn't notice I was bare footed, till I heard my naked feet smack off the cold ground. I didn't care, right now I was too busy looking for food and something to drink. I didn't know where the kitchen was. I have never been here before, so really I don't know where anything is!! I grabbed my stomach, in hopes it would stop the hunger. When I did that, I noticed how dirty my dress was becoming. It was pure white, but now its brown and some spots were red from my blood. I wanted to throw the thing off of me, my skin suddenly started to itch and bug me.


The child like voice made my head snap away from my dress and look towards the hallway. The sudden movement made me lightheaded, but it soon went away once I saw who..or what said Hello to me.

A boy stood at the end of the hallway. He wore all colors, and looked like he had just jumped out of a cartoon. He seemed friendly, till I got a closet look at his face. He wasn't human, you could see the metal shine from the lights. Plus, he had a permanent smile attached to his cartoonish face.

Where he stood, the lights seemed to flicker. It was like the restaurant it's self, was trying to warn me. I took a small step back, I could feel my eyes widen. He is going to try and kill me, just like the other animatronics!!

"Hello??" He said again, but much more louder..

"G-go away!!" I yelled, sounding weak and scared..

The boy seemed shocked I talk back to him. He titled his head to the side and gave me a much more wider smile.

"But- I wanna play with you..." He giggles..

I couldn't trust him, I knew it in my gut. This boy was going to be trouble for me..for my life...

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just don't get the chance to play with kids my age." His smile suddenly disappeared, and he replace it with a frown.

"I-I don't wanna play." I stutter and teared up...

"Why? Is it because I'm scary?" He seemed disappointed and sad. " I swear, I'll be nice!"

I swallowed hard, the taste of blood in my mouth worsen,my stomach felt like it was about to explode with hunger.I started to feel another growl coming. I put my hand over my stomach and try to stop my stomach's cries.. But I was far too late, and a unearthly growl could probably be heard all over the restaurant.

I was shocked when I heard the boy start to laugh. I looked back towards him, and he gave me a friendly smile.

"I didn't know little girls could make such a noise!" He started to giggled much louder then before.

"Do you want something to eat? Your father told me to feed you, and to help you get into new cloths." The boys smile turned into seriousness.

My father? Did he mean the crazy man who locked me up in this place!! I got a long lasting cold chill from the thought of him.

"I heard your living with us!" He sounds cheerful.. "Your going to love it here! I promise to treat you kindly, well if you follow the rules. If you don't, I'll be force to tell your daddy!!"

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