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(I'm sorry! I told you guys I would update this sooner, but my Uncle died, it kinda held things back.. :(..)

The men stare at each other with pure hate and sickness. But none of them moved at all, which made everything more tense. The silents made my heart take a faster pace and my skin start to sweat.

The strange man's warmth disappeared when his hands took a strong action, as he jerked me up in the air and closer to him.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to let him hurt you anymore" He spoke in a rusty tone.

My father's eyes narrowed at him, almost like of holding me was a bad idea. I couldn't help but want to stay in this mans arms. He was warm, and I loved his sent.

"Wrong move" My daddy growls..

The man's grip tightens around me, before going full sprit towards my daddy. This was a move I wasn't expecting and frankly it didn't seem like a smart one.

His footsteps where the only thing I heard, but it was shortly followed by my father stumbling to the side. I could tell he wasn't expecting this man to run at him as well.

The footsteps continued, telling me that the man had made his way out of the room and into the main hall. He was breathing heavily and looked down at me time after time smiling as wide as he could. He looked like he just stole the love of his life back..

Looking at his happiness almost made me smile.. Of course my happiness was destroyed when I came to my senses and realized I was being kidnapped. My first action was calling for my daddy, and that's exactly what I did.

"D-DADDY!! HELP ME!!!" My mood changed completely, and I started to wiggle in his arms.

My father footsteps could be heard behind us. I look over the man's shoulder to see him mad as hell. He looked like a mad man, ready to kill. I haven't seen him this mad since I tried to runaway from him. 

"Shhh I'm here!" The man whispers and pushes me back down, while busting opened the doors and into the parking lot.

The moon had brighten up the wide parking lot and almost made me flinched, due to how bright it was. The only thing that shined more then the moon, was a single white car.

They car came closer to view as the man runs towards it.

"Please let me go!! D-daddy!!!" I wiggle in his arms and start to flip out.

He looks at me with confusion.

"Shh!! Please understand he's not what you think is!" He snaps at me and opens the car door with a fast and hard swing.

He carefully throws me inside, making sure I don't hit my head or hurt myself, Before slamming the car door shut. Immediately I throw my body against the car window and slam my fist against it.

"DADDYY!! DADDY HELP ME!! HELP ME!!" My tears leak out of my brown eyes unexpectedly.

My father busted open the front doors. He's eyes took a brighter white then unusual, while his jaw tighten as he bites hard on his tongue. The man who had stolen me stands in complete confidence, perhaps he even had a smile.

"Your dead, Mike" My dad snarls.

The man, who I'm guessing is named Mike, Stood completely still. He looked so comfortable and at peace it scares me.

"I'm the dead one? Pardon me while I count all the lifeless ones who want you to burn in hell." Mike grins.

My father goes to open his mouth I'm sure his words were filled with hate, but his doesn't get a chance to speak.

No one gets a chance to speak....

A white light arises from the ground. It was a foggy color and didn't have any shape to it. The moon made it seem a lot brighter then it needed to be.

My father stares at it, his eyes widen. While I look at the foggy cloud very confused.

It wasn't long before the cloud broke apart into several parts, and slowly took form into small human beings.

Small human beings with voices..


PurpleMan's Daughter 3 (Five Nights At Freddy's)Where stories live. Discover now