Some Old Friends

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****The picture is what they are going to look like:)!!*******

Violets Pov*

The blue bunny stood at the edge of darkness, looking at me though it's robotic cartoon eyes. How could something so friendly looking turn out to be a heartless monster? That will stop at nothing to kill you, just because my Grandaddy told them too!

"C-come on!! Let's play!" He chuckle, his chuck lasted longer then it needed too. He voice was getting all glitchy and it sounded like a broken record.

"S-stay away from me!" I shouted, tears slipping out.

I turned and ran the over direction, trying to get away from the monster. But I was immediately stop by two strong metal hands grabbing my shoulders. The cold metal made my body freeze up. I was pulled back with extreme force, casing me to hit a metal chest very hard. Whoever it was, put a strong grip on me, causing me to shriek in pain. I felt like my bones had been crushed, for a moment I thought I could hear them being crushed as well.

"Hi there! My name is Freddy!"

I looked up to see who had me in their hands. My tears slipping down my face faster when I lifted up my head. It was a brown bear, he looked as friendly as the bunny. But I know they all had a goal, and it was to kill me.

I tried to push out of his arms, but soon it was completely useless. Other animatronics started to come out of the dark.

"P-please let me go!!" I begged.

I gave up struggling, he was just too strong. Escaping from him, would be like escaping a metal bar cage.

"Please don't cry!" A yellow chicken begged. "We don't wanna do this, but we have too!" She sounded like she was almost in tears.

"Don't worry, you won't die. You'll become one of us." Freddy said in a sad voice.

"Your probably not going like it at first, but you'll get use to it and fast." The bunny smiled. "

"Oh, and yes it's going to hurt.." He added. Suddenly his smiled seemed to go ear to ear.

Hearing that made my heart start to beat faster and my body started to shake. I screamed again and struggle against Freddy.

"She is shaking! Poor thing.." Freddy looked down at my tear filled eyes, ignoring my struggles.

Somewhere in the back I heard a soft cry, coming from the chicken.

"I don't wanna watch!" The chicken cover her eyes and walked the away in the over direction, leaving me alone not knowing how painful my death is going to be.

"If you need help, I'll do it by myself." The bunny suggested.

"No, we do it together! She is small and might be able to slip out. We need two in order to do this!" Freddy informed the bunny.

"I've never killed a child before.." Freddy also added, he seemed upset.

Hearing the word kill, made me cry louder. I wanted to cover my ears and not have to hear this conversation.

"Something tells me your not going to like it.." The bunny looked back at me and blinked. I could see a smirk coming...

"P-p-please don't h-hurt m-me.."I begged with my voice shaking..

"Please don't beg, it makes this a lot harder then it needs to be.." The bunny growled.

"This is heartbreaking.." Freddy admitted..

The bunnies ears suddenly picked up, he looked shocked and mad at the same time.

"Don't you go and get soft hearted!! We have to do this, and you know that!" He snarled..

Freddy put his head down, he started to shake his head..

"Let's just get this over with..." He whispered.

I felt my feet lift off the floor, and before I could fight back I was being carried by Freddy. I fought back and started to hit his chest, and swing my legs back and forth.

"L-let me go!!" I managed to said without choking on tears..

"She'll tucker herself out." the bunny told Freddy, who kept walking towards my death.

"Daddy!!" I suddenly screamed out. "Please help me!!"

I don't know why I yelled out for him.. He couldn't hear me.. He wasn't here..He doesn't even know where I am...

"Let go of the girl.." I heard a dark deep voice growl out..

Suddenly, the bunny turned his head to the direction where the voice was coming from.

A dark large bear stood up straight and looked down at the bunny.. He was much taller then the rest, and he looked like he could tie trees into knots.. I couldn't help but notice the deep cuts he had on his chest, the cuts had old looking wires spilling out of them..

The bunny's ears suddenly fell, and he looked back at Freddy who was still holding me.. The dark bear turned his attention on Freddy, hate and anger in his eyes took shape of flames..

"Do NOT let me repeat myself, or it's going to be the worst for you.." The Large bear sounded mean and someone not to mess with..

Freddy slowly put me back on the floor, I felt light headed and dizzy from all the tears and mixed feelings.. But the moment I felt the floor make contact with my feet, my heart skipped and I tried to run away. But once again I was lifted off the floor. Two much larger and colder hands grabbed my sides and pulled me up in the air.

I felt like a sack of potatoes that everyone could just lifted up with no problem...

He pulled me up to his face, so he could get a closer look at me. Once he laid eyes on me his expression of anger and hate turned into sadness and happiness.. I of course was still shaking in fear like a leaf..

This time I didn't even admit to fight
back. This bear was more mean looking and he looked like he could break me like a rubber band.. He honestly looked like a real terrible bear..

He sat me back on the floor and quickly took my hand so I couldn't run away. I looked up at him and didn't break eye contact. He looked back at me and smiled, which shocked me completely..

"I'm not going to hurt you I promise.." His voice sounded much softer..

"Once marionette finds out about this, he won't be happy." Freddy informed The bear in a dark tone.

The Bears eyes suddenly landed back on Freddy, they where filled with anger once again.

"I don't care about that long noodle freak.." The bear remarked.

He looked back at me and smiled.. His eyes turned bright baby blue. One moment he looked like a killer and the next he looked like a friendly cartoon bear.

"Come with me, I have to show you to some old friends." His metal large feet started to make a lot of noise as he led me down the his old friends...

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